Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Doggie Daycare Photos 09/29

Coconut, Chestnut, Penny and Lucy Topknot all together having fun!

The same four little ones but now you can see them better!

Mike having a love fest with Miles and Bentley. (He hates when I take these photos!)

Fred scenting something good on the morning breeze. It wasn't The Angus Barn so I'm not sure what he enjoyed sniffing.

Bella B. and Barnaby


Rae and Champ

Bailey G.


Penny, Maggie A., and Bentley

Baxter, Max, Slider and Ladybird

Wrigley, Lucy and Buckshot

Ladybird saying hi to very submissive Maggie A.

Maggie A with Penny having a great time.

Still having a good time.

Wrigley and Ladybird



Stanley, Bob, Joy


Mindy in the pack with Piper, Phoebe, Miles and Tucker.

Bob and Stanley

Bob and Stanley again.

Bob, Stanley and Baxter S.

Ginger, Joy and Barnaby

Here's another great video of the pack howling. Too cute!

Bentley giving Buckshot kisses (although Buckshot wasn't too happy about it!).

Here are Cammie, Miles, Penny and big, brown Baxter together at daycare.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Photos 9/21 to 9/26

Hello! It has been too long since I blogged and shared photos. First the camera went missing and since there is 9,000 square feet of space it is often difficult to rediscover items. Just last spring I lost a library book and my glasses. It took 3 months to locate both!!! The two photos below are the result of all the recent rain. The mushroom were too cool not to photograph and post. Hope your world is moving along well.

Take care.

Photos of daycare from the week of September 21 to 26.

Ghibelina, Anu, Baxter and Daisy S.

Ghibelina, Marley, Ivy and Mylo

The "Nuts" - Coconut and Chestnut

Jackson, Maddie, and others...

Bailey P., Maddie and others...



Ivy, Mylo with Spaulding annoying Cammie.


Charlie cocker and Ladybird

Abby, Memphis, Lexi F.

Chuck and Maddie with Layla and Barnaby


Ghibelina, Anu and Lexi F.

Ghibelina, Anu and Lexi after playing. All really happy!

Molly M.

Bella M.



Group shot with Laya, Chuck, Maddie, Jackson, Anu, and Lexi F.

Summit playbowing to an unknown dog while Zander, Cami and Isabelle watch.

Callie alert barking at noise in the trees.

Ladybird looking very focused.

Layla and Emma corgi

Violet looking cute after having a spa day and getting a short haircut.



Max S.
