Monday, January 25, 2010

Doggie Daycare Photos 01/25/10

Hello, hello! The new camera is divine. I just need to figure out how to start taking video and all will be back to normal. I like the photo quality this camera produces - can't wait to get some hard copies and create some scrapbook pages!

Just so "the news" is out there I was in a fender bender over the weekend and am moving slowly right now. I have seen the doctor, gotten x-rays and am wearing a neck brace for a few days. Luckily I was in my (very large) truck and was hit by a small Toyota Camry. Her car was totaled and the truck has minimal damage. My body seems to have taken the brunt of the crash. I will be fine - just need some healing time. Thanks for any thoughts and prayers sent my way over the next couple weeks!

Enjoy the photos. Stay well.

Kasey and Penny having a really good time digging and chasing. Penny tooks a bit tired as she paused during the chase game!

I'm sure you've met Nala. She is a sweet old gal. She took a bit of a rest after an energetic play session with Kacey C. and her brother, Titan.
But even cuter then the above pose is below. Ahhh, Angus Barn turned on the grills! Meat, sweet meat!

Kacey C. & Gracie

Jackson & Daisy S. had a great play session too!

Cammie & Mylo were playing when Jackson & Summit came to see if they could join. The group separated - too many players.
But Cammie followed Jackson and they started a different play time.

Some solo shots....



Mickey, Winnie & Kasey


Benson (much more relaxed than last Monday) says, "Hello!" to Daisy S.

Benson chasing after Charles - trying to keep up with the bigger guys!
Ivy's back for some boarding while Mom & Dad are away. Welcome home Ivy!

New golden girl, Gracie, is a water dog through and through. She makes history by being the first YLD canine to roll in a sidewalk puddle.
Gracie had SO MUCH FUN!

Buckshot tries to figure out the water thing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Morning Ramble

Good Saturday morning to you all! The new camera is working well and I am learning about the new editing program. I hope you enjoyed the two days of photos. Of course the batteries (AA) died so I had to purchase rechargeables. They are on their way to YLD now! Thursday didn't have photos because of the dead batteries and we were indoors. I've never taken good indoor photos. Friday I was taking a day off and Mindy was out of town so the camera didn't get used. The boys will tell you it's because they were "too busy monitoring the pack." They do that but they don't LIKE to take photos so pooh on them!

Have a great day. Hope to see you all next week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Doggie Daycare Photos 01/20/10

Hello! The new camera is working well. I might like it even more then the "old" camera! Please forgive today's entry I was trying to arrange the photos while people were checking out. Multi-tasking (in this way) is tough for me. Instead of having like photos together they are a bit scattered. I'm sure you'll enjoy either way. Have a wonderful evening!

First thing in the morning everyone is alert and full of energy. Run! Jump! Chase! Squirrel! Bark! Here are a few of the early playtime photos.

Ladybird - something has her interest her beagle ears are UP! (As her mom, I love the way her ears frame her face.)

Kellsie is a new girl. You may remember her much younger brother Rocky. (Photo below.)

Rocky in a pause during play (still going on behind him).
Now these three (Maggie boxer, Sunshine and Kasey) had a fabulous time playing. I was able to get a sequence of photos to show the fun!

Back to regular photos.

Cute little Marley

Marley and Charley

Estelle and Abby

Sunshine kissing Mylo


Many have asked about Darwin. He is holding on. He still participates in pack time but tends to stay close to me and relax more then interact. Below are two photos from today. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and support!

The pack was very busy playing, running, and interacting this morning. As a consequence, about 10 minutes before nap this is what many of the pack were doing. Too cute!

Marley G. and Abby

Marley P.

Max T. and Spaulding

Ladybird and Charley


Bella B.
Back to just some fun photos.

Chuck nuzzling Mollie.

Chuck playing with Jack and Murphy.

Marley joins Ladybird and Charley (right before nap).

Charley and Ladybird - waiting for the bus?
Anu, Domino, Lexi and Lucy

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yippee! Good Photos 01/19/10

Yippee! Photos. I had a wonderful time taking them so enjoy looking.
Two silly cavaliers - Violet and Carly - pushing each other around on the play equipment!
Silly, silly girls!
Baxter S., Titan, Barnaby and Peyton


Summer telling me that she should be standing right next to me like usual!


Alix, Sawyer and Baxter S.

Piper saying "Hello" to Polo with Sergeant in the background.

Carly, Violet and Penny being interrupted by big dog Peyton.

Penny in motion playing chase with Alix. (You can just see the tip of Alix's tail on the right.) In the background is Olive. She'd got distracted from the chase game.

Sawyer and Olive

Ladybird, Olive, Polo and Stanley playing a fun game.

Baxter S. trying to get Olive to RUN!

Olive (Why did I take so many photos of Olive. Well, she'd photogenic but more importantly she is new to YLD. She and her brother Polo just started two weeks ago.


New boy Marley playing with Mickey.

A good front view of new boy Marley.

Many of today's pack with Mindy and Mike in the background.


Coconut, Chestnut and Sergeant.


Coconut, Chestnut and Marley

Charley taking a late afternoon nap.

Nala and Cammie

Cammie and Barnaby playing while Bubba tries to decide is she should interrupt!

Ladybird and Sawyer playing while Polo, Olive and Summit decide if they should
participate in the fun.

Ladybird after all the excited play.

Baxter S.

Great play positions for both Olive and Alix. We LOVE displays of proper play behavior.

Alix saying hi to new boy Marley.