Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to remind you that there is a basic manners class starting this Saturday (Oct 2
nd) from 10-11am. This is a 6 week class and costs $100. The first week is humans only, no dogs. This will allow us to talk and learn with no distractions. We will be working on general manners, and a trick or two. You'll also be learning about dog behavior, how they think and how to best motivate them to work with you.
I still have 2 spots available if you'd like to sign up.
Now that the summers over and (hopefully) temperatures are dropping it's time to get outside, walk and have fun with your pup. Think about getting your dog a backpack to wear while you walk. A backpack adds invaluable mental stimulation to your walk. It offers the dog a much needed job.
As you all know dogs are bred to work for us in one form or another. It's very important that we create jobs and work for our dogs every day. Without something to focus on and use their brain to do, a lot of dogs will create a job or work for themselves. Barking at the neighbors, digging up your flowers, chewing the table leg, bothering the children etc. It's also much harder for a dog to have good manners and pay attention to you when they have this excessive energy.
If you'd like to learn more about this, I'll be talking about it in my class this Saturday!
Have a great, much needed rainy day,
yldmike@gmail.coma tired dog is a happy dog