Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photos, Monday Septebmer 27

Not too many photos today - the rain made outside play too wet for the camera and inside play is never displayed well on "film".
Rudy & Levi

Mylo, Peyton, Maddie, Abby & Zoe

Sprocket, Callie, Champ, Cammie, Bella, Piper, Bailey, Barnaby, Charlie & (part of) Mylo

Ladybird, Champ, Callie, Sprocket, Cammie, Maggie Mae, Peyton & Maddie (the blur)

Lillie Marie looking sad because it was SO wet. Other dogs include (but are not limited to); Ghibelina, Zoe, Abby, Barnaby, Callie, Champ, Maddie, Spocket, Braveheart, Cammie.....

Class This Saturday

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to remind you that there is a basic manners class starting this Saturday (Oct 2nd) from 10-11am. This is a 6 week class and costs $100. The first week is humans only, no dogs. This will allow us to talk and learn with no distractions. We will be working on general manners, and a trick or two. You'll also be learning about dog behavior, how they think and how to best motivate them to work with you.

I still have 2 spots available if you'd like to sign up.

Now that the summers over and (hopefully) temperatures are dropping it's time to get outside, walk and have fun with your pup. Think about getting your dog a backpack to wear while you walk. A backpack adds invaluable mental stimulation to your walk. It offers the dog a much needed job.

As you all know dogs are bred to work for us in one form or another. It's very important that we create jobs and work for our dogs every day. Without something to focus on and use their brain to do, a lot of dogs will create a job or work for themselves. Barking at the neighbors, digging up your flowers, chewing the table leg, bothering the children etc. It's also much harder for a dog to have good manners and pay attention to you when they have this excessive energy.

If you'd like to learn more about this, I'll be talking about it in my class this Saturday!

Have a great, much needed rainy day,
mike yldmike@gmail.com

a tired dog is a happy dog

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Photos, Friday September 24

So sorry for the delay in Friday's photos. Sometimes I just run out of steam (and then I forget I didn't complete the task). Yeck!
Tubbs, Peyton & Sprocket

Porter, Bo, Simon, Mollie & Koda

Sunny & Lilly


Sprocket, Sunny & Ghibelina

Sprocket, Gracie & Tubbs

Piper & Callie

Miles, Molly & Callie

Lucy & Spaulding


and AGAIN!


Abby, Tubbs, Ghibelina, Sunny, Spaulding, Peyton & others.

A pretty butterfly I actually caught on camera!

Bubba running!

Bubba making out with Porter with Sawyer waiting to play.

Bubba (running again), Barnaby, Porter & Simon

Phoebe, Bo & Simon


Baxter & Apollo

Barnaby & Apollo

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Photos, Wednesday September 22

Stanley, Bailey P., Barnaby, Maggie & Lola

Barnaby, Maddie, & Lola

Baxter, Bella & Sprocket

Baxter by himself

Beagle Scout hunting for lizards. No luck today!

Baxter & Bella

Bella, Sprocket, Lacy & Baxter with Ella in the background.


Abby & Chewy

Summit is waiting for the leaves to blow. Where is the wind when you need it?

Estelle, I'm telling mommy on you. You're NOT supposed to eat leaves - your brother is allergic!

Bubba, Levi, & Bailey P.

Casey & Charley & Empty Chair

Maddie, Maggie & Lola

Stanley, Barnaby, Maddie, Maggie & Lola

Ladybird & Mylo

Ladybird without Mylo

Welcome back Leo!

Baxter, Slider & Max T.

Lucy, Spaulding & Charley

Sprocket relaxing.



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Photos, Tuesday September 21

Some of the clients ask if they can go out back while the pack is there and "watch their dog play." For a number of reasons we can't do that. Primarily because as soon as your dog sees/scents you they'll stop playing. Also you would be a "stranger" to the other pack members and that is cause for alarm. So I take photos of dogs at play. Usually I only catch moments but below is a series of five photos containing Memphis and Penny during a play session they conducted next to my chair. I was lucky enough to have the camera (with batteries charged) available to record the action. Enjoy!

Sprocket & Tug found time to play together.

All good pack members - Penny, Casey, Maggie, Memphis, Marley, Spaulding, Alix, Tub, Otis, Ronin, Sprocket, Sunny (just his head), Jack & Teddy

Miles didn't have Onslow to "kiss" so he discovered Old Man Jack is a good substitute.

Max T wearing his MAD MAX collar from his time in Switzerland.
He doesn't look too mad in the photo!

Tug giving Lilly a very clear signal (play bow) that he'd enjoy a romp with her. They ran around after this and DID have a good time. Thanks Lilly for being such a good example to Tug.

One of Ladybird's favorite after nap pasttime is to "antique" herself. Unlike Baxter who has a "self-cleaning coat" and stays clean & tidy, Ladybird gets dirty everyday.

She just absolutely LOVES rubbing her head and body into the warm gravel. My favorite is when she's finished and it looks like she has black eye liner! She's too cute.

Kyle with part of the pack after nap and poop patrol duties.

Huey, Penny, Teddy & Baxter

Heffer enticing Tug to play with her.

Come on...play!

OOOO, other dogs to play with - Old Lady Casey & Otis.

Gracie is trying to sniff something beyond Huey but he doesn't look to happy at having her so close.

Maggie S. & Chance enjoying some down time together.
