Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Phone Problems
Hi You Lucky Customers! We have had some customers tell us they have tried to call this afternoon and couldn't get through...we are having some issues with our phone line and are working on the problem. If anyone needs to get in touch with us please use our email hotdog@youluckydograleigh.com
We are sorry for the inconvenience and it will be fixed ASAP:)
Thank you!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Catching up!
Hi Everyone! Sorry the weekend photos are a little late...my Dad showed up with meatball subs when I put the dogs down for dinner on Sunday and meatball subs trump blogging:) Thanks for dinner, Dad!
We had a special surprise this weekend! A visit from pack member Piper!!! He moved to Charlotte recently, but popped in to see us for the weekend while his family was in Raleigh. He was so happy to be here...he couldn't stop smiling!
Tiny Sheltie Blaze LOVED Domino!
Winston again!
Cammie, Piper and Sunny Doodle
Sunny was very happy to see Piper
Sunny loves having his picture taken!
Sweet Belle dancing for the camera
Maggie Puggle, Philly, Chance and I are going out for our night time star gazing! Have a good night everyone! xoxo, Mindy
Heffer's visit with Santa
Merry Tuesday Everyone! We decorated the lobby for the holidays this morning (well, Mike did, I just held the thumb tacks) and were very excited to receive this photo of Heffer's visit with Santa! Heffer is a very sweet girl. I wonder what she asked Santa for this year?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tweet from @YLDRaleigh
@YLDRaleigh: Add basic manners (sit, down, wait etc) to your daily walks. Your dog will start to listen better in more situations if you're consistent
Friday, December 9, 2011
YLD Staff Reccommended Reading List!
Hi DogBlog Readers!
I hope everyone is staying warm this morning! We have had the pack outside in the bottom play yard this morning and they are loving it. We were very excited this morning when our beloved pack member Teddy arrived wearing his new snow suit...he looks like a stuffed animal! Thank you to the moms of both Emma G and Cammie Husky for the treats yesterday and today! We are the luckiest staff ever to have such sweet customers:)
Speaking of the YLD staff, I thought it would be fun to post some staff reading recommendations. I think between all of us we have probably read every dog book in existence! If any of you have any dog book recommendations that you would like to share, feel free to email me the name with a paragraph about what you liked about the book. I would love to do a blog post on books suggested by customers! (yldmindy@gmail.com)
Can you guess which staff member chose Cujo as their recommended reading? It was Jim. He says the book is a good reminder on why you should keep your dog on leash and keep it's vaccinations up to date. Thanks, Jim!

Janine chose Victoria Stilwell's "It's Me or the Dog". According to Victoria's website this book "is the ultimate guide to understanding your dog and building a balanced relationship based on trust and respect". Some of the topics that are covered are house training, play time, diet, canine communication and basic obedience.

Staff member Katie was very excited about "The Other End of the Leash" by Patricia B. McConnell, PH.D. The author is an Animal Behaviorist as well as a trainer and in this book she explores human behavior in comparison to dog behavior, and how we can improve our relationships with dogs by training ourselves to "think dog" instead of trying to humanize our pups.

Thursday, December 8, 2011
All dogs were bred with a purpose. Research and try to incorporate your dogs talents into your daily life for a happier pup. Tweet from @YLDRaleigh
@YLDRaleigh: All dogs were bred with a purpose. Research and try to incorporate your dogs talents into your daily life for a happier pup
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Extreme Cuteness!
Good Morning Dog Blog Readers!
I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend after the Thanksgiving rush! We are here at YLD! Before I get to our weekend pack photos I would like to share something extremely CUTE with all of you. Kenan the Cockapoo puppy is a new pack member. He just started attending school in November and the staff fell in love with him right away! I was so excited to groom him for the first time last week and that night he had his Christmas picture taken. It is so cute I just had to share. I think Kenan's Mom or Dad (whomever was the photographer) should come take Christmas pictures of ALL the YLD dogs! What do you think??
If anyone else has Christmas photos of their pups they would like to share please feel free to either email them to me (yldmindy@gmail.com) OR bring them in and I will hang them in the lobby!!! I love to display pictures of the babies:) Thanks!
Now for the weekend pack photos.
Sweet Lillie Marie
Ludlow and Lola, or Ludlola, were boarding at the same time again...they were in heaven!
A greeting bow from Jessica Golden
Beautiful Abby Chow
Have a great week everyone!!!! xoxo, Mindy
Friday, December 2, 2011
Holiday Hours
To better help everyone prepare for the holiday boarding, our hours will be:
Saturday, December 24th, 8am-10am
Sunday, December 25th, Closed
Saturday, December 31st, 8am-10am
Sunday, January 1st, 3pm-5pm
Thank you and Happy Friday!
Saturday, December 24th, 8am-10am
Sunday, December 25th, Closed
Saturday, December 31st, 8am-10am
Sunday, January 1st, 3pm-5pm
Thank you and Happy Friday!
DOTM continued!
Happy Friday Everyone!! We would like you to meet our second Dog of the Month for December, Charlie Cocker!!! He is always happy, he looks like a Teddy Bear and is the biggest sweetheart ever!
Charlie, how did you meet your Mom and Dad?
- Well my parents have two different stories. Mom’s story is that she did
plenty of research and found a great breeder that bred me for my peaceful
temperament and my extreme cuteness. Dad’s story is that I introduced
myself to him by laying my chin on his foot and taking a quick siesta.
What made you decide to come to You Lucky Dog?
- I wasn’t even a year old and my parents wanted me to play during the
day instead of relaxing at home chewing furniture. My parent’s wanted to
make sure I was safe and well looked after so they had a friend who used
to bring her dog to daycare and YLD came highly recommended by her.
After my first couple days at daycare, it was obvious that I fit well with my
new pack of friends, human and canine.
What is special about YLD that keeps you coming back?
- The care and love expressed by YLD staff is amazing, making me feel
relaxed and happy. But really I like sitting at the foot of my human friends
watching the play before I jump in and get into hi-jinx.
- I have also found a great place for a day at the spa. I used to be anxious
about getting my haircut, but now that Mindy is around I love getting my
spa fix right at daycare. I get to play and get dirty then have an afternoon
bath and primp session. I even play-bow at Mindy on the grooming table
because I love her.
What is my favorite toy?
- My squeaky ball! I also love my Kong food ball and my stuffed bear. My
parents will throw the ball all around the house then I find it and squeak it
to let them know I want a more challenging hunt. Sometimes they fill my
food ball with kibble and when done I pick up my squeak ball and make
it squeak and then whimper. I just don’t understand why food doesn’t fall
out of the squeaky tennis ball? Don’t all balls drop food?
What is your favorite non-daycare place to visit?
- Any park or trail with Mommy and Daddy! Over the summer we go for
walks/runs through the forest where it is cooler than city streets. The
parents even will stop and let me frolic in water to keep my cool and
hydrated during the heat.
What is a treat you cannot resist?
- The parents give me chicken flavored rawhides to chew, but really my
favorite requires some stalking and tracking. When nobody is looking I
will bury my head in the hamper and pull out used socks! While Mom and
Dad are worried about the other socks in the hamper, I will then sneak into
the bathroom grab the toilet paper and SPRINT making a lovely trail of
paper all over upstairs.
What job would you have if you were a human?
- I would be a belly rub trainer! I would charge other humans money to
learn how to give expert belly rubs to their pups. Then again if someone
wanted a free consultation I would be flexible and offer myself as a test
Do you have any top secret nicknames at home?
- Daddy calls me “You little sh__!” (just kidding!), Little One, Sweet One,
Carlito, Charleston, Charles, Barkey, Chuck, Little Baby, Little Hairy Baby,
Little Hairy Big Baby, Little Stinky Baby, Little Naughy Baby, Handsome
Fighter (neighbor calls me this), Pumpkin and all sorts of Pumpkin based
names as well as other combinations of all names above.
Where is your favorite place to walk?
- I pretty much like all greenways and trails where I can pick up all the
wonderful smells that this world has. If there are ducks to bark at…well
that is just an added benefit.
What is your idea of a perfect day?
- Sunday! My parents don’t know how I know when Sundays come about
but this is my day to unwind. I like to go for morning jogs and then spend
the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch with the parents. In the
afternoon we all cook together and I sit poised ready to capitalize on all fell
food shrapnel except garlic (they say it is bad for me).
Is there anything else you would like to add?
- Me, no. My parents would like to say that YLD has been a key member of our
family. The comforting, loving environment really has improved their ability to be
great parents as well as improved my demeanor and sociability.
Thanks Charlie!!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
December Dog of the Month Sally!
Good Morning and welcome to December!
The first of our dogs of the month is Miss Sally. She's a very sweet border collie mix that has been visiting us since 2008. She can tell time perfectly, loves cupcakes and knows how to get attention when ever she wants :)

1. Sally, How did you meet your Mom & Dad?
I was playing with my brothers at the Wake County Animal Control, and these two college students came in to look at puppies. Since I was the only female puppy there at the time I had an advantage. I was super cute & my Mom picked me. I was her anniversary present.
2. What mad you decide to come to You Lucky Dog?
I had fun playing and being with the other doggies when I came for my first bath. I have a sister, Molly, but she is a cat, so she is lazy. I also love the staff, they are great.
3. What is special about YLD that keeps you coming back?
I love the staff, and a break from laying in mom's office all day while she works. I also like to see my friends. And I like to get my hair done by Miss Mindy, she does it better than mom or dad.
4. What is your favorite toy?
My tennis ball or my squeaky giraffe
5. What is your favorite non-daycare place to visit?
Grandma's house! She takes me out to play every time I bark at her.
6. What is a treat you cannot resist?
BBQ, I stalk the kitchen while mommy is cooking waiting for her to drop some. Daddy is good at dropping it though.
7. What job would you have if you were a human?
Tennis player
8. Do you have any top secret nicknames at home?
Baby girl, or Poopadoo
9. Where is your favorite place to walk?
I love to go for runs around our neighborhood with mom.
10. What is your idea of a perfect day?
Sleeping late between mom & dad, snoodling, playing ball all day, and getting frosty paws.
11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I love my sister, Molly, even though she is a kitty. She is fun to play with, except when she chases me around the house. I like chasing her better, but we both love getting spoiled by grandma.
And my friends at YLD rock!
The first of our dogs of the month is Miss Sally. She's a very sweet border collie mix that has been visiting us since 2008. She can tell time perfectly, loves cupcakes and knows how to get attention when ever she wants :)
1. Sally, How did you meet your Mom & Dad?
I was playing with my brothers at the Wake County Animal Control, and these two college students came in to look at puppies. Since I was the only female puppy there at the time I had an advantage. I was super cute & my Mom picked me. I was her anniversary present.
2. What mad you decide to come to You Lucky Dog?
I had fun playing and being with the other doggies when I came for my first bath. I have a sister, Molly, but she is a cat, so she is lazy. I also love the staff, they are great.
3. What is special about YLD that keeps you coming back?
I love the staff, and a break from laying in mom's office all day while she works. I also like to see my friends. And I like to get my hair done by Miss Mindy, she does it better than mom or dad.
4. What is your favorite toy?
My tennis ball or my squeaky giraffe
5. What is your favorite non-daycare place to visit?
Grandma's house! She takes me out to play every time I bark at her.
6. What is a treat you cannot resist?
BBQ, I stalk the kitchen while mommy is cooking waiting for her to drop some. Daddy is good at dropping it though.
7. What job would you have if you were a human?
Tennis player
8. Do you have any top secret nicknames at home?
Baby girl, or Poopadoo
9. Where is your favorite place to walk?
I love to go for runs around our neighborhood with mom.
10. What is your idea of a perfect day?
Sleeping late between mom & dad, snoodling, playing ball all day, and getting frosty paws.
11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I love my sister, Molly, even though she is a kitty. She is fun to play with, except when she chases me around the house. I like chasing her better, but we both love getting spoiled by grandma.
And my friends at YLD rock!
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