Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Half Price Tuesday!
Just a small "Thank You" for our awesome customers...Next Tuesday (Feb 28th) all dogs with pre-paid passes will only be charged a half day for a full day of daycare!
Hope you all have a great afternoon!
a tired dog is a happy dog
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Indy Best of....

Last Year we were surprised and honored to find out we were voted into the Indy "Best of the Triangle". This year we found out ahead of time :) If you would like to vote for us, and other businesses you love locally, the link is below.
Thank You!
Vote Here!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Building upgrades
I'm sure a lot of you have heard bits and pieces of the construction projects we have going on right now. For those that don't know...We have hired Janine's husband Adam once again, for quite a large project. Adam (AJ Construction) will be building Sandy a new office, an employee lounge/lunch area as well as complete the private training room. The entire lobby and bathroom are also getting stripped and rebuilt to Adam's professional standards. A fresh coat of paint, special window tint and coffee/tea bar will complete this phase of construction.
The new window tint will allow parents and friends to watch the dogs play when we are inside without causing a stir! We do ask that until the tint is up, you continue to stay back from the window while we are inside. This will help eliminate getting the dogs too wound up or excited :)
We will do our best to keep the day to day operations running smoothly, but do ask you bear with us as this three to four week project unfolds. It will be well worth the wait, we promise!
a tired dog is a happy dog,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Part 2 of Valentine Dogs of the Month...LOLA!!
Lola, How did you meet your Mom?
She did lots of research and found a great breeder. She came to Charlotte and picked me. No one wanted me with my beautiful markings and I just sat with my face on her shoes and that was it.
What made you decide to come to You Lucky Dog?
My Mom’s friend Doug brought Summit here and they really liked it. Now Summit and I play all the time.
What is special about YLD that keeps you coming back?
The YLD staff is amazing. They take such good care of me and make me feel so special. I love when Mindy gives me baths. When my Mom pulls in I go crazy and sprint to the door.
What is your favorite toy?
I love stuffed animals. I have been chewing so much, so I have been getting lots of rubber toys and bones.
What is your favorite non-daycare place to visit?
I love going on runs and walks with my mom on the trails. I also love to visit my Grandma. She spoils me.
What is a treat you cannot resist?
Peanut butter- just say the word and I go crazy.
What job would you have if you were a human?
I think maybe a nurse. I love being so cuddly and lovey and making people smile.
Do you have and top secret nicknames at home?
Bugaboo, Sweetpea
What is your favorite place to walk?
I love walking on the trails. I get to say hello to tons of dogs.
What is your idea of a perfect day?
A nice cool breeze, on the weekends when my mom is home all day and we go for walks and I get to play with the neighbor kids.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I am so lucky to have my mom and a great extended family at You Lucky Dog. My Mom would like to say something, “Thanks to YLD. I couldn’t do my job without the help of the team. You are always there for me with all my questions and concerns since this is my first dog. Lola and I love you!”
We love you too Jen and Lola!!!