Sunday, February 22, 2009

Photos 2/21

The pack at YLD had a good weekend. It was kind of quiet which is always nice once in awhile. We hope to see many of you this week. Take care as always.
You're all in my thoughts.

Darwin and Khumba asking each other if they'd like to play.

Sydney and Daisy say hi!

Bella and Champ having a GOOD time!

Nola rubbing noses with Sophie.

Gracie G.

Sydney and Sophie

Jack, basset mix

Sherman and Khumba enjoying a bit of fun.

Sherman, a think he is a bichon poo

Butch, the bull dog

Sydney, miniature Australian Shepherd

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Photos 2/18 & 2/19

Happy weekend everyone. Some of you have commented you enjoy the blog. I can't say we "talk" too much which is traditional. I find the photos are a wonderful way to share our days with all of you. We don't have webcams because the expense and the amount of play area that would need to be covered so this is our other option. I've watched some webcams and, although you can see some of what goes on, you can't always get close or know with whom your canine is interacting. Guess we could call this the wendy solution.

Well, enjoy the photos. Have a super weekend. Stay safe and warm.

Just Hanging Out

Lucy, Goosie, Maggie Mae, Teddy, and others.

Piper, Bella, Buckshot.

Memphis, Gracie, Cooper and Tucker.

Max A., Sasha, Simon, Memphis and the new human, Cari.

Cavalier central - Violet, Tucker and Charley - with Sally, the only non-cavalier in the photo.

Sunlight, Camera, ACTION!

Fred in the back, Cammie in the middle and Murphy up front setting chase.

Wallace, Gracie G., Tucker, Sasha and Simon.

Gracie G. and Cooper C. became fast friends.

Khumba, Charlie, Jackson, Lady, Fred and Wallace.

Maggie Mae and Sophie, the yorkie.

The Little Ones

Sydney wouldn't look into the camera for this one!

Sophie (yorkie) is looking good but Maggie Mae makes the dreaded mistake of closing her eyes!

Charley is very blase about having his photo taken!

Nola S. looks great in her little skirts!

Sugaree wants to be closer to the camera lens.

Hey Dad! It's me, Memphis! I'm having fun at daycare!

Sanford looking for a lift into someone's arms. Please?

Marley P. in her cute little sweater. Pretty in Pink!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photos 2/17

I just loved Jon's blog from yesterday. What a great sense of humor the staff members have here. I can truthfully say the staff should have had some doom and gloom because of the rain, in that, earlier this week the sheltering tarp ripped in half and it hadn't been replaced. So the staff members got to stand out in the rain with no protection. The slight misery did cause some creative thinking. Instead of getting the fancy tarp off e-bay, the boys suggested getting one from Lowe's Home Improvement. Of course by the time we got the tarp and put it up most of the rain had passed. Oh well.

There are some great photos below. I have some from today I am also going to put up. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Action Photos

Sanford, Ladybug, Riley all in the foreground with Cooper G. bouncing with another dog in the background.

Neo barking at the trash/dumpster people.

Too funny! Cammie husky pulling at Chance McG.'s neck and collar. They did this most of the day.

Ladybug - long series of days because Mom was traveling - needed a bit of quiet down time!

Philly and Chance McG.

Cooper standing over Ladybug with Darwin walking away.

Peyton (golden) chewing on Maddie's (sheepdog) neck. They did this for hours! Bet they were crunchy when they got home.

Sanford saying hello to Sophie the yorkie.

The New Guy - Wallace

What a cute little face!

Carly (in the back) shows Wallace, a new blenheim cavalier, her favorite chair. Who knows, maybe she'll share with him on day and we'll get that in a photo!

Wallace being inspected by Chance McG. Wallace was being a bit shy but holding his own with the bigger guys.

The Staff Monitoring the Pack

Jon walking from the back door down the walkway towards the bottom gate. There's Lucy or Bella bloodhound (I can't tell them apart except for the collars), Clyde, Zander, Charlie, Bella B. and a few others in the background.

Mike with Ladybug in front and Jack D. standing between his legs.

Jon doing "the hand of God" to Bubba. Bubba loves the attention!

py Dogs because they are at Daycare!

Gracie G.

Coco H. - there's a happy sparkle to her eyes under that hair. (Black dogs can be very difficult to photograph well because the facial features blend in so well with the fur.)

Teddy Two Coats (his Native American name)


Maddie A. and Ladybug