Hi! Wasn't it a lovely warm weekend? The kids and I enjoyed our time outside. We even rolled up the large playroom door to try and get some of the warmth into the building. I saw Mike wrote about his new classes. Let me tell you, as members of the new rally-o class Darwin and I are having a blast! By the end of the hour we are both totally wiped out. I find it is a great way to use Darwin's skills creatively. As a former teacher, I know the students always remembered more if I taught creatively so this fits.
I have been taking photos but I'm sure you've all seen more of a lag time. With Jim B. as the YLD receptionist, I often can't get on the office computer until late evening. I've wanted one computer where I can put ALL the photos. To this end, the business has leased a laptop for me. Now, I am not a technophobe but it takes me time to decipher new technology. We also have a new editing/storing system. I've been caught learning how to use the both new items which has caused a lag. Time will help me familiarize myself and I'll speed up again. Please bear with me as I get up to speed.
Enjoy the evening.
Lazing Around
The Bear enjoying a sun bath.

Lady beagle and Apollo enjoy a quiet moment together.

Apollo and Darwin say hi!

Jasper, a german shepherd mix, enjoys a weekend without his human baby brother. Maybe he's thinking "Dogs Rule, Babies Drool."

Nadia putting on her pretty face for the camera.

Zoey enjoys scratching her itch back on the warm rocks. What a cutie!

Ronin usually has a goofy grin on his face because he's still in that goofy under a year old stage of life.
Playing with Pea Gravel
Summit's favorite game is to "herd" pea gravel. He digs it up then pounces on it and tries to put the pieces back where they were. Kind of futile to my thinking but Summit has a great time!
What's that succulent scent I smell?

Nadia finds something wonderful to sniff.

Gracie G. getting ready to sniff something yummy.

Stella Bella sniffing something interesting.
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