Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Photos 03/04/09

Following Directions

Jim S. requesting Darwin to lay still. (Laying in the pack is a submissive behavior. Sometimes Darwin gets too big for his britches.)

Hey Mom! Hey Dad! Look at Me!

Baron (a new guy getting acclimated to the pack)


Salem looking great in her fashionable red shirt!

Cinco E.

Beagle Scout

Wyatt (While Mom's away the dog will play!)

Abby chow and Memphis

Bella M. and Gizmo

Bentley and The Bear

Bailey G.

Max T.'s triumphant return from Switzerland!

Many of you may remember Max and his mom Jennifer. They lived in Switzerland from January 2008 until today. Welcome home! We're glad you returned safely!

Let's Play!
Chuck and Lila

Lila and Bentley

Bella submitting to The Bear

Hennah has a cheering section while she runs around with the pooper scooper. It's amazing what you can teach an intelligent dog to do on command.

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