The doggie ice cream was a welcome treat for many of the dogs visiting during the open house. Here we have Carly and Violet sharing.

Lillie Marie really liked it too!

Here we have Aaron and Mindy manning the human ice cream table chatting with Sarah, owner of Maddie A.

Kristy's sisters Brynna and Tess were kind enough to assist the YLD staff by manning the doggie ice cream table. Jim enjoys chatting with them. The doggie ice cream was donated by Gourmutt's Bakery. They have a wide selection of treats and can be found on the web at www.gourmuttsbakery.com.

Mike gave two fabulous talks. One on training our canine companion's brain and one on the heat. After almost four years spent with a pack of dogs Mike has lots of practical knowledge to make living with our dogs more pleasant and rewarding.
Jennifer, Jodie & Brandon, Barbara and Andriette hanging out in the shade during free play in the large, bottom play yard.
Maggie Mae on leash with Gizmo in front of her waiting their turn to go play.
Mabel's parents, Henry & Karen chat with Jay, owner of Chewy & Ella (affectionately called "Chewella" around here!
Lewis with Fred, Karen with Wyatt, and Barbara & Steve with Maggie B. (the lab). There are several other dogs in the photo without their human counterpart pictured.
Ami signing in Mo & Callie.
Layla beagle on the scent trail of something interesting.
Rob & Sarah with Bella.
Kristy's sisters introducing themselves to Bella B. and Mollie D.
Clients chatting while their canines roam the play yard.Vendor Photos
Angela with Cammie (while Jessee watches) chats with Thor of Pet Pantry food which is a home delivery service. We serve our visiting dogs Pet Pantry and most of the staff uses the food. We've discovered it is very easily digested and canines with intestinal track issues do well with the food. Thor is very knowledgeable about pet food and has helped many of our clients with their pets. We recommend his product highly. More information is located at www.feedyourpets.com.
Dennis chatting with Andriette and Lillie Marie about his pet transport business Critter Coach. You can find details about the transporation business at www.crittercoach.com.
The humans and dogs enjoyed filtered water provided by Ingrid Beckman. You can get more information from her at betterwater@mynikken.net.
Meg & Emma with Zander chatting with Jean from Animal Conversations. Emma was interested in Zander's insecurities and how she might be able to help him overcome them. I haven't spoken with Emma about what Jean said. Jean may be a guest blogger in the future. You can find more information at www.animalconversations.com
Jennifer and Max T. chatting with Jean.
Jean speaking with Barbara & Tom concerning Gizmo.
My father, (affectionately known as Grandpa Jack, GPJ or The Eagle), chatting with Samm who represented The Uncommon Hound, a web location with great toys and other dog related paraphanalia. They can be reached at www.uncommonhound.com. It is one of the best laid out website I've visited. Give them a try!
Justin with Bone Appetit Bakery chatting with Susan & Karen about his wonderfully delicious and beautiful homemade dog treats. His fanastic products can be seen and purchased at his website www.gottreats.com.
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