Monday, July 6, 2009

More Doggie Daycare Photos 07/04

Cooper G. waiting for Emma to turn off the water hose. He does not like the hose!

Zander staring adoringly at this mom, Emma (who was taking the photo).

Summit waiting for the hose to be turned on by a human.

Summit & Darwin


Pool Party Time

Sawyer & Sassy

Sassy & Sawyer again but with Bailey

Group of water lovers - Summit, Darwin, Nadia, Stella and Cammie


Nadia and Sawyer

Piper LOVES water.

Maggie and friends Stella and Bailey!

Memphis in the pool. A really cool pictorial story.

Maggie with Emma and Memphis in the background.

Maybe I should call those dogs who lie along the fence the Chain Gang!
Lady, Ramsey, Cooper, Poppy, Goosie and someone else.

Bailey is ready for nap. I asked her if she'd be more comfortable lying down but she was afraid she'd miss something.

Emma with a crowd - Maggie, Daizy, Memphis, Stella, Mason and I think I see a bit of Baxter behind her chair.

Cooper G. relaxing in the shade after playing all morning. I think he's wondering when nap takes place!

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