Monday, December 7, 2009

Recent Photos

Hi everyone! I can't believe it is December 7th already. The holiday is just around the corner and, unlike most years, I haven't completed my shopping. Yes, I'm one of those people who usually begin holiday shopping in July and complete it before Thanksgiving. No such luck this year! I'm going to bite the bullet and go shopping on Friday. Hopefully I'll make a dent in the list.

Speaking of shopping, a client requested YLD stay open late a couple of Friday evenings so she could get some shopping accomplished after work. The first evening was last Friday. Mark your calendars, YLD will be open until 9:30 PM on Friday, December 18th. Ask Wendy about the details!

The photos below are from my phone. They are not as good as the regular camera - much more fuzz - but they allow you to see your babes. I ordered a new battery for the camera and hope it will be here soon so the camera can be up and ready to click again. The first photos are from the weekend after Thanksgiving and rest are from last week. Enjoy.


Khumba, Sammie, Roxy and Jasper


Kasey F.

Darwin & Baxter


Bo sniffing Zoe while Charley sleeps in the sun.

Jasper rolling for a belly rub.


Cooper & Zoe

Those pesky squirrels!

Saturday after shot.

Clancy & Rocky

Maggie S. rolling around on the floor!

Maggie S.

Maggie Mae, Domino, Catie, Bailey P.

Darwin, Winston, Baxter, Maggie Mae

Maggie S. & Bailey P.

Bailey P., Domino, Catie, Maggie S.


Domino with Maggie S. while Sammie watches wanting to play too.

Maggie & Domino again.

Sammie, Domino, Catie & Clancy

Zander & Maddie A.

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