Hi folks! I'm finally back in a groove. These photos were taken last week. I have many others to add but wanted to get something up for you all to enjoy. I will stay on the ball this week with daily photos. Sorry for the delay.
Enjoy the warmer weather.

Titan after two days in a row at daycare.

Maisie & Titan

Peyton & Sunshine

Sunshine & Gizmo

Sunny, Lucy boxer, Gracie

Summer & Cassie

Nala & Sasha T.




Max T., Winnie & Mylo

Max T - first photo

Max T. - second photo


Marley P with Maggie A interested in the pink cast.

Marley looking very happy - still with Maggie A.

Maggie S., Huey and Teddy

Magge (chocolate lab), Callie, Simon

Maggie A & Lucy

Kristy with Maisie, Gracie, Lilly and others.


Khumba & Quatro

A warm welcome for a new little guy, HUEY!

New little guy Huey, Teddy and Nala.

New little guy, Huey, Baxter S. and Teddy


Sunshine & Baxter S. with Sunny walking by.

Cassie & Old Lady Casey

Cassie & Abby


Callie looking hot while resting in the shade.
Callie enjoying the warm rocks.

Callie shaking off the dust from the warm rocks.

Beagle Scout hunting for a lizard.

Beagle Scout looking at me when I called her name. Good name attention, Scout!

Sunny, Teddy, Philly and others.

Bailey G.
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