What a lovely day in all ways. I hope you all had a wonderful day also. We're looking forward to seeing some of you on Saturday for the Open House! Remember it's 11 am to 2 pm with BBQ and fun! Come on down and visit!


Mickey, Gracie and Kasey

Emma G and Nala said hello!

Peyton, Mollie and Kasey with Miles, Buckshot and Mindy in the background.

Peyton and Emma with Kasey and Heisman

Baxter, Emma, Mickey, and Champ

It doesn't look like Benson wants to play with Lucy topknot!

Two old men - Baxter and Jack

Two young girls - Heisman and Kasey

Kasey, Peyton, Titan and Mollie

Emma saying hello to Sanford

Bella, Emma, Mickey, Chacmp, Heisman with Nala, Titan and Buckshot in the background.

Casey pusing rocks around until her hold is perfect. Nala's hole is already good!

Cammie ready to run!

Lucy inviting Benson to play with Abby watching.

Kasey gnawing on Peyton with Titan and Barnaby.
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