Hey y'all! It's been a warm day but enough of a breeze and shade so we could stay outside. Some pool photos today down at the end of the blog. Make sure you read about Mike's Saturday training class it's a great deal and you'll learn lots too!
Enjoy your day.


Eli & Winston

Tsuki & Bubba

Sammie, Casey, Leo, Stanley

Bubba, Max, Sammie, Ladybird, Chuck, Stanley,
Tsuki , Alix, Leo and others in the background.

Mylo (about to sit down)

Mylo, Winston, Max S., Ghibelina, Bailey G.

Max S.

Max S. & Ghibelina

Max S.



Casey (looking eager because I might get the hose out again)

Alix, Leo, Casey, Sally, Sammie, Stanley and others in the shade.

Right after nap the water buckets get refilled with COLD, COLD water. YUMMMY!
Max, Ghibelina, & Ladybird show us how good it is to drink. Max T., Chuck, Quatro and Miles hang around the pool area. Alix is just watching me look like a fool with the camera (AGAIN)!

Quatro telling the world she LOVES the pool.

Hennah and Quatro while Peyton decides if the pool is a desirable place.

Penny's in the pool (her haircut looks cute) with Lilly and Alix on the outside looking in.

Alix finally getting up the nerve to touch the water.
(Back story - her dad has been trying to get her into the pool at home with NO luck. Maybe a pool each place with encourage Alix.)
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