The weather is heating up but we were able to stay outside safely today. Mindy leaves for grooming school tomorrow. She'll be sending updates so we can keep track of her progress. She expects to return to YLD in time for the Thanksgiving rush. Speaking of the holidays, remember if you want to board you're canine must visit YLD a minimun for two days per month. That way they stay familiar with the pack structure.
Have a great evening.

Tsuki, Mylo, Stanley Hennah & Chuck

Sydney & Sprocket


Sammie & Maggie

Not to be confused with Sammy & Maggie

Peyton waiting patiently for his friend to come out of the pool.
So far the pool is NOT Peyton's best friend.

Maggie (whose best friend IS the pool) drying off after submersion.

The many dogs who stay as far away from pool & hose water as possible.

Ghibelina had been chewing on the leaf right in front of her. Of course she stopped a second or two before I snapped the photo! Darn - dogs win again.


Buckshot & Sammy

Max A, "Nah, not right now. I'll try next time."

"Woo-hee! The cold water feels better than I thought!"

Battle of the pools - Maggie & Memphis vs Chuck

Maddie, Buckshot, Tucker, & Sammy

Maddie, Chuck, Buckshot, Estelle & Hennah

Camera Shy Sydney


Memphis - a cuter pose

Tucker #1

Tucker #2
1 comment:
Best of luck with grooming school, Mindy! Otis will miss you sooooo much!!!
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