Titan having a respite beside my chair.

Otis, Sunny, Lucy, Simon, Gracie, Mike & Titan

Emma G & Sunny

Spaulding requested a photo shoot since he hadn't posed for one recently. He's been practicing the head tilt (as displayed in the photo). Any opinions? Does he look better?worse?more mature? Please let us know and I'll share the response with Spaudling. Thanks!

Sonoma & Sunny very happy about something!

Simon & Gracie

Sawyer looks a bit wired as she play

Memphis & Sawyer

Peyton & Sawyer

Mike with Summit, Miles, Koda, Otis, Lucy, Sunny, Gracie, Hennah & Kali

Hennah, Peyton, Stanley, and others

Furley, Lucy, Peyton, Titan & Gracie

Sunny & Otis 1

Sunny & Otis 2 (with Summit)

Sunny & Otis 3

Stanely, Beethoven, Phoebe, Spaulding & Miles

Miles giving Ladybird a superb playbow as an invitation. She did NOT accept. :(

Bailey watching Peyton with Koda and Lucy with Kali

Koda & Emma G.

Lucy, Phoebe, Miles, Hennah, Bo & Furley
(Kali is a blur on the right side of Furley - all four legs off the ground!)

Sunny & Gracie

Furley, Hennah, Sunshine, Koda

Lillie Marie & Charley

Sunshine, Miles, Beethoven & Otis

Furley, Cammie, Hennah & Bubba

Phoebe, Bo & Stanley

Bo & Bubba with Charley & Lillie Marie in the background.

Abby, Casey & Koda
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