Hey Guys! Thank Mindy for taking today's photos. So glad to share the responsiblity sometimes. Have a great evening and be careful of tomorrow's weather.

Bailey & Gizmo

Lexi, Baxter, Barnaby, Ella, & Bailey




Elie & Hennah


Kali & Koda

A very tired Lexi doodle

Kali, Koda, Tug & Lilly

Just Tug & Lilly

Maddie & Koda

Mike & Jim with Onslow, Casey, Koda, Estelle, Nala, Titan, Einstein & Hennah

Mike with Miles & Ellie

Siblings - Nala & Titan taking a break from playing.

Tug, Kali & Otis

Otis staring adoringly at Mindy who took this photo.

Beagle gal pals - Ghibelina & Scout

Best action photo of the day -
Tug looking happy as he runs full throttle.
That's the same face Otis makes when he is scratching to get up in the bed :)
Lexie plays hard and then goes down hard! What a great picture of her passed out like that!
Also - LOVE LOVE her recent grooming - very well done! We (and she!) are so happy!
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