Abby, how did you meet your Dad and Mom?
My first Mom and Dad could no longer keep me because I got sick and they had to spend a lot of money and time on me. They were older so they didn’t have a lot of money . They decided that I might be better if they let the Vet take care of me so they left me there for a long, long time. They never came back for me. I was sad and missed having a family of my own. I didn’t like it very much either because I was lonely and had to spend a lot of time in a kennel and didn’t get to run and play with other doggies very often. Then one day, Miss Paula rescued me. She rescued a lot of other doggies like me. It was better there because she was trying to find a permanent family to adopt me and she was loving. Then one day, my Mom and Dad came by. Miss Paula told me that their doggy, Max, had crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 6 months earlier and that the nice couple was so very sad. She said the nice lady didn’t smile as much anymore. But, they came and talked to me and took me for a walk. I turned on my charm and I think they fell in love with me instantly. After that, they took me home with them. I had so much fun. They ran with me and loved me and gave me a great home. My Mom and Dad smiled all the time then. I was happy because they were happy. And, I finally had my OWN real home!! It’s better than anything ever!
What made you decide to come to You Lucky Dog?
Well, after being cooped up in that kennel at the Vet’s office for almost a year alone during the nights and then finally getting a family, I think that I just was really afraid not to be with my family. I was afraid they would leave me too. All I wanted to do was to be with other dogs and humans. I just didn’t want to be alone. So, I have a little separation anxiety and it makes me do stupid things if I’m at home alone. I know what I’m doing, but I just can’t help myself. One time, I even chewed through the blinds, the column in the house, and then I broke out a bunch of my teeth when they left me at home in a kennel. I guess I have a few emotional issues that I’m trying to work through. But, the folks at You Lucky Dog understood all of this. They love me and they’ve introduced me to all of my four legged and two legged friends. So, coming here being with friends makes me happy and it makes my Mom and Dad happy. And now if Mom and Dad want to go on vacation, they don’t feel guilty or upset that they have to leave me. They know I’m in great hands and I love it here. Don’t tell them, but it’s sort of like my second – well, actually – first home!!
What is special about YLD that keeps you coming back?
They treat me so nice and they love me. They really do and it shows. Mom and Dad say the schedule is very flexible. It’s also very neat and clean and smells nice like my home with Mom and Dad. I have some special friends too. Plus, I have a job to do here. I have to make sure that everyone works together as a team and we don’t cause Mr. Mike , Jim, Miss Mindy, or my other friends too much grief! But, then….that’s what our nap time is for. It gives them time to unwind too!
What is your favorite toy?
Even though my Mom says I’m high maintenance, sort of like her LOL -- I don’t really have a favorite toy. I would much prefer to play with my friends at YLD instead of a toy. I like the fact that they play back with me!
I shouldn’t admit it, but I love chicken and pizza crust. My Mom and Dad grill chicken and I usually get a half chicken breast as my treat and when they order pizza, they give me some pizza crust. It’s not so good for my figure, but I love it!!
What job would you have if you were a human?
Well, I wouldn’t want the kind of jobs my Mom and Dad have. They stay stressed out a lot. They say their jobs are hard. I don’t want a hard job. I want a job where I can love what I do and work with dogs and people I really like. I have to say that I would probably have a job taking care of me and my friends, like the people at YLD do. They seem to really enjoy it and they are so good at it. They make me feel special and I would want to make people feel special.
Do you have any top secret nicknames at home?
Well, my friends here at YLD call me ‘Abby Chow’. They even call my Mom “Angie Chow” sometimes. I think that’s cute. But, my Dad calls me Pistol sometimes and my Mom calls me some of everything – but it’s all nice. Sometimes, it’s Abba Wabba (that’s probably the silliest one) and sometimes it’s Rooster – well, come to think of it, that’s sort of silly too LOL ! But, they are all affectionate and I appease them by answering to most things. They say ‘sweet girl’ a lot which makes me feel special. But, I know when they say ‘ABBBBBBYYYYYY’, the mean business!!
Where is your favorite place to walk?
I have this great big field full of grass behind my house. I bet it’s 3 acres or more. I can run and sniff all I want. I even meet up with some friends at home, Brooklyn and Boston to play with from time to time. But, that’s my favorite place before and after I come to YLD.
What is your idea of a perfect day?
My perfect day is spent at YLD. It’s when all my favorite friends show up and it’s really cool outside – maybe sunny and about 60 degrees (because I get hot easy cause I have a bunch of fur) and we can play all day long until I’m pooped. Then, my Mom and Dad pick me up. I go home and eat and lay on our big shaggy new off white carpet. It’s so soft and I sleep so good on it. I even dream sometimes about what a perfect day I’ve had. My life is really good.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
The people at YLD have changed my life. I’ve been coming for a lot of years now. My Mom and Dad would not know what to do with me if I didn’t come here. They would be very sad because of my ‘problem’ where I have to be with caring people. But, they never have to worry about me here. We are all happy and are so thankful to have the staff of YLD make my life so special. And this makes my Mom and Dad very happy. I hope to come to YLD for the rest of my life!! I truly am a LUCKY DOG!!
Abby Chow
Oct 24, 2011
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