Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmoose Poem

Happy Thanksgiving one and all! In the spirit of thankfulness, two of the staff - Jon and Jim S. - wrote a poem to start the holiday season in festive form. The poem's main character is a favorite white, deaf boxer named Moose.

The Tale of Christmoose

On Christmoose they say,
if you listen real hard.
You can hear a deaf boxer
Come fly through your yard.
He isn't so gentle,
He isn't so soft,
But he has two large newfies
who keep him aloft.

In his sleigh he has goodies
For all good girls and boys.
For boxer like beatings
They have no use for toys.
From Florida he hails
Lacking tail, lacking hearing,
But there's something about him
that is oh-so endearing.

He has boots, hat and beard,
A red coat on his back,
When he comes down the chimney,
You must give him a smack!
But if stickers you have
He will fly by in fear,
and then you must wait
a whole 'nother year.

If you spank him real good,
And his butt really stings
There is surely no end
to the treasures he'll bring.
When the gifts have been given
And you've tanned his hide,
It's back up the chimney
to continue his ride.

If you hear this tale
And follow words to the letter.
Your Christmoose Eve
will never be better.
You'll then hear him say
As he glides off your roof,
"Merry Christmoose to all,"
but it will sound like, "Woof! Woof!"

Creative, huh? Moose's mom laughed and laughed when she heard the rendition at YLD. Enjoy the start to your holiday season!


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