We had happy tails - gently waving. Non held stiff or tucked under the body. That's a sign to remember. Always ask yourself when meeting a new dog - where is the tail? If the tail is up over the back and rigid or tucked under be wary when approaching the dog - it is feeling stress. I think of tails as a warning system. A savvy person will watch the tails!
Here are some photos showing different tail positions.
Piper and Sugaree are facing right. Baxter and Emma are facing the camera. Baxter and Sugaree's tails are always curled. Piper's tail is at a good height. Emma's tail is a little rigid - something (probably the camera) has her a bit spooked. I'd watch her a bit to make sure she relaxes.
In this photo we have Lady, Daisy and Lady Bug in the foreground facing right. Daisy doesn't have a tail being a corgi so you have to read other body language to figure her out. But she looks good in this photo. Lady (in black) and Lady Bug (golden) have soft tails - kind of just hanging with a little movement. In the back moving to the left is Casey B. Her tail looks good. She is moving towards a human and other dogs who have happy, relaxed tails.
Hope this gives you something to think about. Let me know if you want more examples.
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