Thursday, April 2, 2009

Photos 4/1 and 4/2

More Rainy Day Portraits

Kacey C.

Molly M.

Coconut & Chestnut


Maggie Mae
Phoebe & Bo doodle

A close up of Bo doodle.

Cassie M.


Piper and Coco H.


Sawyer and Reggie playing together.
Sawyer jumping on Reggie as they continue to play.


Lexi doodle

Ladybird, Cammie and Bongo Schmedlap

The Newbies Who Are Babies!
These little guys are all new this week. Mossimo (black and white with large stand up ears) is a papillion puppy whose parents are on vacation with their two human children. They all went to Disney and Mossimo gets to learn all about daycare and boarding while they're gone. He is a super active little guy who loves to interact with all sized dogs. Mossimo has made the transition into the pack fairly smoothly and we're glad to have him.

The other two are cavalier puppies. (They had their photos on a previous blog.) Henry and Oliver are great little cavies. Lots of personality and playfulness - mostly with each other and other small canines. We are happy they are with the pack also.


Mossimo with Lexi doodle.

Henry and Oliver playing.

Henry and Oliver playing.

Henry with Coconut.

"Wow! You're really tall!"
A little bit camera shy.
Hey Mom Look! I'm teething!
Mossimo with Lexi F.
Mossimo with Lexi doodle.
What? What? WHAT?

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