Happy Easter Sunday you all! We had a great day at YLD and hope you did too (whereever you might have been.) Travel safely back home and we hope to see you soon.Peace,Wendy
Mossimo looks very tired after playing all afternoon!

Once again, this is what YLD does best. These two photos show dog tired dogs! (Pardon the pun:) Piper is the golden retriever and CoCo is a cockapoo.


Ladybird found the early afternoon to be a bit hot. Sometime she wishes she were white instead of black!

The many sides of Cinco. He is an adorable dog and a delightful addition to YLD. Thanks for being part of our pack!

Nola joined the pack in the early afternoon. Her family is traveling down to the beach for a few days. Enjoy!

Lucy looking a bit tired. She gets to go home tomorrow where there is plenty of time for R and R.

Peyton cocker, Quatro, and Cinco in the back.

Emma corgi
Easter Sunday BrunchMany of you question what I do on holidays so I took photos of the Easter Sunday brunch my sister (and the extraordinary YLD accountant) organized for family and friends. The dogs and I got up earlier than usual so we'd have plenty of play time after breakfast. Then, the dogs began their nap about a half hour earlier than usual. At that time I drove over to North Raleigh to visit family. My friend (and former client many of you may recognize) Anita was already at the house. After that everyone else came - Jim S., Jim B. and his daughter Mindy, my friend Samm, our dad (Grandpa Jack) and Meg's family. We had a lovely time as the photos support. I hope your day was as pleasant.

Samm with the Stradling's cat Junie aka "Fuzz Butt." The cat had a severe run in with a nail on a fence and has a large shaved area where the 9 inch tear was stitched. She's healing well.

Jim S. and Scott S. chatting by the fire pit.

Mindy, Jim S. and Anita laughing at something Jim B. said.

Jim B. and Grandpa Jack chatting.

Ryan discovered an egg hidden in an outside planter!

The eggs looked very pretty this year.

Jim S.'s fancy high tops!
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