Good afternoon! We all had a great day at You Lucky Dog! We were lucky to be here. The weather was breezy this morning and a bit cloudy this afternoon so the heat stayed away! As for playtime and photos Emma did a great job with the camera. Thanks Emma!
You all have a great evening.

Mia, Chance & Summit with Sawyer looking on.

Chance and Mia pool hounds!

A wet Tucker - look at those cute skinny legs!

Close up of Tucker.

Ghibelina getting some love from Jim.

Charley and the leaf...a very short story!


Cammie husky looking a bit sleepy!
Lucy & Scout - two chihuahuas
These two don't visit too often and when they were younger they were very scared of any other canines. Now, several years later they interact well with smaller breed dogs and are very playful! Thanks to their mom for working with them!

Lucy, Scout and Violet

Just Lucy and Scout

Lucy and Max T. with Teddy and Scout in the background.

Teddy, Maggie Mae and Lucy

Lucy doing a classic playbow to Maggie Mae while Teddy walks by.

Lucy and Teddy

Spaulding, Lucy, Scout and Maggie Mae (lying on the ground).

Maggie Mae enticing Scout to play.

Scout leaving after playing with Maggie Mae.
Cassie doing a good job trying to get Bailey P to play. Cassie pokes her, play bows and is very appropriate asking to play. Bailey P. isn't very interested. She is very stiff and doesn't respond so they end up not playing together. (Bailey P likes to play but SHE wants to initiate the sessions.)
Emma narrates pool time with Chance and Mia.
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