Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dog Daycare photos and video 8/23

Good Sunday to everyone! I hope all is well and you are staying cool. Although this morning was cool I had the door open to the inside playroom. Several pups thought that was great and played hard for quite a bit of time. I had to use the black and white camera setting because the floor tends to cause photography issues. I hope you can see each canine. There is a pretty good video at the bottom of today's blog with great play moves.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I hope to see each of you this week.

Charlie, Duncan, Kacey, Belle, Gussie, Cami, Khumba

Gussie, Duncan and Kacey

Alix, Kacey, Khumba and Cammie



Murphy and Cammie

Most of the boarding dogs are somewhere on the video. Murphy and Cammie were having a great time as were Kacey and Duncan. The others got into the play too. Enjoy.

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