A tumbling ball of fur consisting of Lexi F., Spaulding and Anu.
Champ and Chuck

Peyton scratching an itch and looking silly at the same time. He's a multi-talented canine!

Jim with lots of little ones.

Tucker rolling in the leaves. The humans believe his likes to camoflage himself.

A very happy Ladybird. What you don't see is I'm rubber her belly while taking the photo!

Bailey G.

"Blech," says Champ.

"Yummy," says Charley

Max T. all comfortable on the warm blue step.

Max T. joined by Ladybird and Charles on the blue steps. I needed just one more to complete the photo but nobody else was interested!
There's a New Boy in Town!
This is Philly. Philly is a cavalier king charles spaniel mixed with a bichon. The breeders call them "cavachons." Philly is adorable and was well liked on his first day of daycare. Welcome Philly and parents - we look forward to lots of fun days together!


Philly and Zander

Philly and Max T.

Violet and Cinco


Maddie A.


Baxter in Zen mode


Callie - feeling very tired because she's visiting while her parents travel in the mountains.

Gizmo and Lexi F.
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