Good morning! I hope you are all doing well with this weather. I need a water proof camera to take pictures these days (which I don't have) so I'm afraid there are just a few photos from Tuesday. Be safe in the wet and windy day. I'll chat more later.
Make sure you check out Mike's blog about the coming holiday season!

The lower half of Mindy with lots of dogs around her. This is what happens when we walk around to pick up poop. To the pack it is one of the most interesting parts of our days. Go figure!

New girl Kasey (on left) with Bella M. checking out a hole. Is there poop in there? Where's Mindy to check.

Max T. Do you all remember when Max T. came back from Switzerland in February and he wouldn't have anything to do with the camera? Now look at him - he loves having his photo taken now. No more running away.

A very messy Penny with Bella M.

Jackson with Penny watching Bella M. roll all over the wet, messy ground. What was she thinking?

Peyton and Stanley

Peyton, Stanley and Sawyer
Inside play
New girl Kasey playing with Penny.
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