Good evening! Great photos today. Mindy was kind enough to download the photos tonight and Mike was kind enough to "fix" the blogspot so I can make captions again. (Okay, okay. I admit I personally hit some button somewhere that changed the screen so I couldn't write text. Mike just said, "Click on that button" and voila, blogspot was back to normal. To be hip and current I'll say, "My Bad.") Thanks for bearing with me!
PS. There are several photos of dogs sleeping today. We had "nappus interruptus" today. (Loud, barky naptime) so the dogs were a bit more tired then usual.

Summit, Mylo, Maddie

Little dogs - Leo, Lillie Marie, Maggie, Lexi, Charley, Memphis, Sally, Anu (and maybe a few others I've missed).

Piper has a 2 week old baby at home.

Mindy etal.


Maggie, Peyton, Kasey

Maggie & Heisman

Maggie S.

Anu watching Lexi and Benson play.

Lexi bouncing towards Benson (who looks a bit startled) with Lucy by his side.

Beagle Scout giving Jim kisses. (I believe Jim was giving kisses back!)
Jesee watches with longing.

Maddie and Jack

Heisman in the late afternoon.


Cammie telling Roxy something I didn't understand.

Cammie, Peyton, Kasey, and Heisman



Benson - This is his "Pick Me Up. I'm SOOOO cute," look.

Bella B.

Bella B. barking at Abby to get her to play.

Yeehaw! Play!

Bella M.
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