So, the snow came just as the weather forecasters predicted. That's quite a feat here in Raleigh. We had a lovely weekend in the snow. There were only six dogs so it didn't feel like work. Most of the dogs enjoyed the snow but not the slippery top coating.
Please forgive the delay in the photos. My brain certainly wasn't working well by the end of each day so although I had taken photos I couldn't muster the energy to display them. I am feeling much better and am not tiring out as much as last week. Thanks for bearing with me through the repercussions from the accident!
The parking lot was plowed so, if you need to deliver a dog to daycare we are open and ready for you. I know that the turn onto Angus Drive from Glenwood is trecherous so be very careful. Angus Drive didn't get plowed either so it is in poor conditiona also. Go slowly and be safe!
Photos from Saturday, January 30

Summit didn't mind the snow although he misses the gravel.
Run Willie Run!

Roxy chasing Willie


Roxy didn't like the icy crust on the snow - she would slip slide around!

More careful walking!

Ladybird, Baxter and Willie watching Darwin run around like an idiot!

More idiocy - eating snow!

Baxter loves snow!
Photos for Thursday, January 28

Jackson & new girl Winnie (sister to chocolate lab Cheyenne)

Jackson & Tubbs

Lexi doodle paws at Bailey G.

Piper, Roxy, Sugaree, Peyton, Kellsie and others.

Sydney, Sophie and Cooper

Cheyenne, Chance, Kellsie

Daisy & Jackson

New girl Cheyenne - she looks like she's settling in well.

Sydney & Alix
Photos from Wednesday, January 27
Kasey & Sunshine

Myloe & Bella B.

Emma & Lexi

Memphis & Ace



Heisman looking a bit silly but for a good cause - straight, stand-up ears!

Dr. Emma sniffing the Angus Barn breeze!

Darwin and Sunshine mouthing each other.

We're glad to see Cody H. back in the pack.

Chuck trying to decide whether he should bother Cammie during her nap.

Mylo poking Cammie to get her to play.

What play looks like after being poked!

Bella waiting for someone to run.

Lexi and Anu - best friends!

Having more fun - let's dance!

Mylo poked Abby and voila she plays. Penny looks like she wants to join the fun.

Max T. has gotten used to the camera.


Peyton and Stanley

Baxter playbows to Bo and Phoebe. They are highly priviledged dogs because Baxter only playbows once every couple of months! The future snow was making him frisky!
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