Hi everyone! Mike's blog from yesterday was very sweet and absolutely correct. We have the BEST clients in the world and the best staff any boss could hope for. I appreciate each and every person and canine I come in contact with during the days at YLD.
I am feeling rested. I didn't do a whole lot yesterday - just walked the beach, read and watched some TV. Today I am up and about exploring Wilmington. I'm going to walk the gardens after this session. Although I am enjoying my time I miss everyone and everything at YLD. My life revolves around you all and it is very quiet here. The weather is cooperating in that it is over cast and will be all week. Not good for taking photos...
Can you believe the ONLY thing I forgot was the camera??????? Not too bright on my part. I've purchased a recyclable one so I'll have some recorded history of the trip.
Well, take care. Consider yourself hugged!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Monday!
Good Morning All!
Mike Here. As you all know the staff of YLD is quite spoiled. We have not only the best boss around, but a great accountant/big sister as well. They really go the extra mile for their staff and clients. It is greatly appreciated and makes YLD a wonderful place to work. For Christmas the staff got together and collected some money so Wendy could take a very well deserved vacation. She left yesterday afternoon and headed to the beach! I heard from her last night and she got there safely. This is why You Lucky Blog will be a little slow this week.
I want to take this opportunity to talk about balance and rest. We talk a lot about leadership, training and exercising our dogs. The other side of this coin is play and rest. This makes us a truly great leader! Take some time to cuddle with your dog. Sit on the floor and love on your pup. Take some time to brush your dog out. Just spend time doing nothing together. Turn off the TV, cell phone, computer etc. and chill out for an hour. That's your homework this week!
On a side note, THANK YOU! We truly have the best customers. It is a privilege to look after your pups when your at work or away from town. We are here because we love working with dogs. We are blessed to be able to do what we love. Without you, none of this is possible.
Have a great day, I'll do my best to check in this week.
Rally-O class begins tomorrow night!! Humans only...
Mike Here. As you all know the staff of YLD is quite spoiled. We have not only the best boss around, but a great accountant/big sister as well. They really go the extra mile for their staff and clients. It is greatly appreciated and makes YLD a wonderful place to work. For Christmas the staff got together and collected some money so Wendy could take a very well deserved vacation. She left yesterday afternoon and headed to the beach! I heard from her last night and she got there safely. This is why You Lucky Blog will be a little slow this week.
I want to take this opportunity to talk about balance and rest. We talk a lot about leadership, training and exercising our dogs. The other side of this coin is play and rest. This makes us a truly great leader! Take some time to cuddle with your dog. Sit on the floor and love on your pup. Take some time to brush your dog out. Just spend time doing nothing together. Turn off the TV, cell phone, computer etc. and chill out for an hour. That's your homework this week!
On a side note, THANK YOU! We truly have the best customers. It is a privilege to look after your pups when your at work or away from town. We are here because we love working with dogs. We are blessed to be able to do what we love. Without you, none of this is possible.
Have a great day, I'll do my best to check in this week.
Rally-O class begins tomorrow night!! Humans only...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Photos - SNOW!
Hey, Baxter here. I am Wendy's eldest dog and the only one capable of writing. I must admit I am not as...wordy...as my mom so I've selected photos of this morning's play session and just arranged them under titles. I believe that is much more expedient than all those scenarios. Mom took the photos with her fancy camera using the monochromatic setting. They seem okay to me but I'm just a dog. I suppose the crazy woman will be out this afternoon clicking away so you might want to check the blog later tonight also. Well, I've worn myself out with all this typing I'm off to take a nap.
Be safe in the snow.
What IS that smell?
Big Black Baxter
Cheyenne & Dakota
Action Shots
Big Brown Baxter asks. "Why are you rolling in the snow Ivy?"
Let's all play chase! Whose it?
On the count of three - LEAP! (Darwin and Lady)
Dakota getting sister Cheyenne to play with her.
Run, Sawyer, Run!
"Can we play now?" asks Charlie of the Jack Russell Terriers.
Darwin, black lab mix
Sawyer, Australian Shepherd
Ivy, black lab mix
Charlie, the black Cocker spaniel
Summer, yellow lab
Cooper, Jack Russell Terrier
Ladybird, beagle mix
Be safe in the snow.
What IS that smell?
Action Shots
Monday, January 19, 2009
Photos - 1/19
Hi! Monday rolls around whether we want it to or not, eh? We had a great weekend here. The pack and I hung out and enjoyed ourselves both inside and outside. I was busy mopping the playroom floor this morning (trying to get it ready for today's group if they needed it) when Jim S. and Kristy walked in and stated together that I was to put the mop down and let them do their jobs! My mom raised me to leave a place neater than when I arrived. I was following through and I must say I've enjoyed looking at the clean floor each time I've passed through there today! A job well done is a mighty accomplishment. I hope the blog will be considered an accomplishment as it progresses.
Today we had a small pack thanks (no doubt) to the holiday and the inauguration tomorrow. A small pack means fewer photo opportunities. I have a couple cute ones today of dogs you haven't seen before. Enjoy and be safe tonight with the possible weather event! (My camera batteries are charged for tomorrow's first prance through the snow!)
Blessings to you all.

These two are fast friends. On the left is Nellie boxer and on the right is Ladybird. Lady (whose going to be nine soon) erupts into running and chasing games like she's two as soon as Nellie comes out the back door. They just love each other to bits!
Here's Mike with his "little" boy Miles. Miles loves to give kisses and he is stretching out his mouth do give me kisses when I took the photo. These two are well suited. Miles has never met a stranger which has helped Mike's female, Hennah, come out of her shell. As siblings they make a great pack!
I spoke earlier about a play bow. Here is a great example of one being done by the Jack Russell Zoe. See how she's all stretched out to the front and has her paws forward. Her head is lowered and her back end is pushed up. Zoe is conducting a play bow to stretch her muscles but we like to see them when dogs invited each other to play. Zoe's brother, Cooper, is also visiting. So below is a photo of the two of them. Cooper decided there was something interesting to smell just when I took the photo so you can't see him as well. Their family went to Florida to visit their grandfather who is turning 70 years young. Happy Birthday

Look at those eyes! Summer V. NEVER likes me to take her photo. I know she's scared of that thing (camera) I often carry around. Here I just called her name and I immediately got these mean, angry eyes. Her thoughts must have been, "Bad Wendy!" I love Summer. In the summer she likes to lick my calves because of the sweat & salty residue. She's been a constant at YLD for several years now. Sorry about the photo Summer - but people want to see the dogs!

These two are Joy and Rae. They go together like the words peanut & butter! Rae (chocolate lab) is the older sister. She goes tracking with her mom on some Saturday mornings. She also likes to jump and swim in the pool. Joy (black lab) is a fairly new addition to the family but has brought just what her name says. Joy! They are very good siblings and very well mannered. Their dad, Joe, looks forward to the chocolate bowl when he gets to pick them up from daycare!

These are not faces you've seen often on the blog; it's Cheyenne (yellow lab) & Dakota (black lab). The sisters visit when their parents go away. The humans are off visiting family which they couldn't do during
the holidays because of a very sick child. Our gain! Cheyenne i
s a sweetheart who enjoys the pack environment and Dakota likes to be next to Cheyenne (where ever that might be). These girls are a very welcome addition to the pack!
Today we had a small pack thanks (no doubt) to the holiday and the inauguration tomorrow. A small pack means fewer photo opportunities. I have a couple cute ones today of dogs you haven't seen before. Enjoy and be safe tonight with the possible weather event! (My camera batteries are charged for tomorrow's first prance through the snow!)
Blessings to you all.
These two are fast friends. On the left is Nellie boxer and on the right is Ladybird. Lady (whose going to be nine soon) erupts into running and chasing games like she's two as soon as Nellie comes out the back door. They just love each other to bits!
Look at those eyes! Summer V. NEVER likes me to take her photo. I know she's scared of that thing (camera) I often carry around. Here I just called her name and I immediately got these mean, angry eyes. Her thoughts must have been, "Bad Wendy!" I love Summer. In the summer she likes to lick my calves because of the sweat & salty residue. She's been a constant at YLD for several years now. Sorry about the photo Summer - but people want to see the dogs!
These two are Joy and Rae. They go together like the words peanut & butter! Rae (chocolate lab) is the older sister. She goes tracking with her mom on some Saturday mornings. She also likes to jump and swim in the pool. Joy (black lab) is a fairly new addition to the family but has brought just what her name says. Joy! They are very good siblings and very well mannered. Their dad, Joe, looks forward to the chocolate bowl when he gets to pick them up from daycare!
These are not faces you've seen often on the blog; it's Cheyenne (yellow lab) & Dakota (black lab). The sisters visit when their parents go away. The humans are off visiting family which they couldn't do during
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Photos - assorted days
I work up feeling much better so after feeding the boarding dogs I decided to place more photos on the blog. From what clients are saying, you are enjoying the photos and the discriptions. I'm glad. It feels a bit like scrapbooking which I thoroughly enjoy doing - just without the embellishments. Today I just scanned through recent photo files and chose random photos to display. Some days I feel I don't have enough good shots and others I have too many so I've gathered the "too many" here for you to look at. Have a great weekend and stay warm. See you next week.
What hams! Jon and Kristy (holding Maggie Mae) love to smile for the camera. The staff does pet and love on the dogs each day. We usually don't pick them up like this except for photos. Kristy loves Maggie Mae and would like for her mom, Kacy, to allow her to adopt Maggie Mae. I don't think that will happen because Kacy loves Maggie Mae too. Sharing while at daycare is probably the best solution!

Hey Mom! Hey Dad! Look I'm having fun! This is Bella. We are enjoying the precious time we have with her. She is a puppy but was diagnosed with kidney problems. The vet doesn't know how long she'll be with us so we treasure every day and every photo opportunity. Bella is a sweet girl and a blessing!

"What were we doing?" "Where are the people?" "I'm going for a walk." Can't you just imagine the tales these little guys tell each other? In the fashionable pink coat is Marley. The little grey fuzzy guy is Fermi and Charley you probably recognized from other photos. Great bunch of little dogs!

Have we spoken about Sugaree? Sugaree loves visting YLD. She starts her happy barking as soon as her feet hit the parking lot. Sugaree continues with the high pitched loud barking all the way through the lobby, hallways, crate room and outside. She notifies EVERYONE that SUGAREE IS HERE! We love her. The one ear up one ear down is absolutely adorable also. Sugaree is a great little dog. Libby, thanks for finding us and blessing us with the care of Sugaree!

What fun! Bentley (in yellow) and Lillie (in black & white) are having fun rough housing. You can tell Lillie is getting up from a play bow because of her leg position. Remember a play bow is an invitation to play. Obviously Bentley took her invitation and goes to hug her. His mouth is open because he is making play noises and may gnaw on Lillie's neck a bit - always good fun!

I love this photo. On the right is Sophie the basset and on the left is Dirks. These two had been playing for several minutes. Look at those tongues - out and panting because of too much fun! They are gazing into each other's eyes waiting to see who will move first. They both have soft eyes and look happy so we know they are having a blast.
The Bear. What a good boy he is! We have been blessed with The Bear's company since September 05. He is a Newfoundland/chow mix and lives up to his name of a big, fuzzy, lovable bear! Over a year ago we noticed The Bear wasn't playing as much and we were concerned about his health. The vet finally discovered The Bear had Addison's disease. He is feeling much better these days and we're glad to see him playing again!

Often we receive inquiries about job availabilities. Often the people looking to apply say they want to "play" with dogs all day. Although we do hang with the dogs each play session our purpose is to provide supervision, attention and love. This photo of Jon is a perfect example of what we do all day - stand around and watch the dogs walk, play, run, wrestle, howl, tumble and move. The staff has been very careful choosing new trial dogs who display appropriate play behavior. Our pack is very stable and very relaxed. We don't want to disturb the balance. That is why we are so picky about the dogs who attend our facility.

These two cute bundles of fur are siblings. The yorkie is Sophie. She started visiting YLD in September. She is a shy yorkie and she preferrs to hang out with the humans and little dogs. The bigger dogs don't scare her but she doesn't like them as well. The fuzzy ball of fur is Sydney. She is new to the family and is a miniature australian shepherd. Right now she's just a ball of fur
with little legs! You can see a bigger dog in the background. Sydney mingled with everyone but didn't stray too far from her older sister. It will be a pleasure watching Sydney grow!
I wanted to include these two because we don't see them often. They are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and they are brothers. Their names are Bailey and Ronan. As with most cavaliers, they are sweet and loving and basically just want to be with their important humans. Cavaliers are a great family dog. The North Carolina Cavalier Club meets at YLD several times a
year so if anyone is ever interested in a cavalier puppy just ask when the club meets and you'll find lots of puppies! Thanks for coming Bailey and Ronan we always enjoy your visits!
Hey Mom! Hey Dad! Look I'm having fun! This is Bella. We are enjoying the precious time we have with her. She is a puppy but was diagnosed with kidney problems. The vet doesn't know how long she'll be with us so we treasure every day and every photo opportunity. Bella is a sweet girl and a blessing!
"What were we doing?" "Where are the people?" "I'm going for a walk." Can't you just imagine the tales these little guys tell each other? In the fashionable pink coat is Marley. The little grey fuzzy guy is Fermi and Charley you probably recognized from other photos. Great bunch of little dogs!
Have we spoken about Sugaree? Sugaree loves visting YLD. She starts her happy barking as soon as her feet hit the parking lot. Sugaree continues with the high pitched loud barking all the way through the lobby, hallways, crate room and outside. She notifies EVERYONE that SUGAREE IS HERE! We love her. The one ear up one ear down is absolutely adorable also. Sugaree is a great little dog. Libby, thanks for finding us and blessing us with the care of Sugaree!
What fun! Bentley (in yellow) and Lillie (in black & white) are having fun rough housing. You can tell Lillie is getting up from a play bow because of her leg position. Remember a play bow is an invitation to play. Obviously Bentley took her invitation and goes to hug her. His mouth is open because he is making play noises and may gnaw on Lillie's neck a bit - always good fun!
I love this photo. On the right is Sophie the basset and on the left is Dirks. These two had been playing for several minutes. Look at those tongues - out and panting because of too much fun! They are gazing into each other's eyes waiting to see who will move first. They both have soft eyes and look happy so we know they are having a blast.
Often we receive inquiries about job availabilities. Often the people looking to apply say they want to "play" with dogs all day. Although we do hang with the dogs each play session our purpose is to provide supervision, attention and love. This photo of Jon is a perfect example of what we do all day - stand around and watch the dogs walk, play, run, wrestle, howl, tumble and move. The staff has been very careful choosing new trial dogs who display appropriate play behavior. Our pack is very stable and very relaxed. We don't want to disturb the balance. That is why we are so picky about the dogs who attend our facility.
These two cute bundles of fur are siblings. The yorkie is Sophie. She started visiting YLD in September. She is a shy yorkie and she preferrs to hang out with the humans and little dogs. The bigger dogs don't scare her but she doesn't like them as well. The fuzzy ball of fur is Sydney. She is new to the family and is a miniature australian shepherd. Right now she's just a ball of fur
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Photos - 1/15
Ahh, Thursday. My brother-in-law called to remind me to put a light in the well to keep the pipes warm. Also he mentioned opening the cupboard doors in the kitchen and bathroom so the warm air can flow. Just a reminder as the arctic cold encroaches. Watch those pipes!
Anyway, we had a wonderful Thursday. I am feeling much better, the pack was wonderful and the cold didn't arrive until late, late afternoon. We were outside for most of the day as these photos attest. The cold weather brings lots of energy and play to YLD so enjoy the photos. I've tried to explain were I felt there was need but if you ever have questions just let me know. Something I take for granted may be new and different to some of the audience. I'm going to put more photos up tomorrow. I just ran out of steam tonight. Take care and stay warm!

Two good kids - seated is Loren and standing is Aaron. Around them are a variety of dogs. Some of the names are: Charley, Maggie, Jackson, Darwin, Holston, Baxter, Bo, Sophie and Bella. This was taken in the late afternoon - everyone is stirring because of the cold weather but were not necessarily playing because they were tired.
These are two good friends. On the left is Charley Cavalier. Charley is an a-typical cavalier because he loves to run and play. We like to tease his parents by saying Charley is part lab. On the right is his good friend Max A. Max has been visiting YLD since puppyhood. He and several of his neighbors visit on Tuesday and Thursdays. Here Max and Charley have discovered some wonderful smelling something in the gravel (most probably pee but we won't think about that!).

This is a shot looking from the rolling garage door down toward the driveway. There you see Chance M., Furley (who has returned from a hiatus while his parents got married), Charlie, Bailey G., Holston (looking at the driveway), and Old Lady Casey B. This was a great group of dogs!
Daizy is the shepherd mix on the ground and Zander is the dog above her. Zander is older than Daizy (who just turned one) and Daizy wanted Zander to know she knew he was in charge so she began submitting to him. Well, to prove a point he continued to let her submit until she was pron on the ground. Although Zander is older he is NOT a confident male so he had to make sure Daizy really meant what she said! No harm was done and both wandered away to other activies when this scene was over.

This is a bit fuzzy but in the foreground there is Biscuit (nicely washed and groomed) on the left with Tyson, the boxer puppy on the right. They were having a great time mouthing each other which just means they put their mouths on each other's face and neck. In the background you can see Cooper the shepherd puppy barking at a different playgroup.

I think this is my favorite photo for today! On the left is Sasha T. and on the right is little Sophie the yorkie. What a brave little girl to go nose to nose with Sasha. Sophie is a sweetheart and very playful with the other small dogs. Here she is just saying hello to Sasha. Sasha was very gentle with her while sniffing.

Don't they look funny! Ladybug is facing the camera sitting up on her hind legs hugging Dixie. Ladybug is a sweet golden who has tons of energy. She is just a year old so she has some maturing to accomplish before she settles down. Luckily her mom, Carleen, knows that social interaction wears out the dogs more than anything so Ladybug gets to come and play every couple of weeks. Dixie thoroughly enjoyed playing and getting slimy saliva all over Ladybug.

It may be difficult to see but Bella (beagle on right) is asking Charlie (black cocker) to play while Charlie is trying to get Lexi F. to play. Lexi is leaning against the fence looking over her shoulder at the much larger Charlie. Lexi has boundless energy (which this doesn't show) because I watched her chase Charlie from the bottom to the top right before I snapped this photo.

My earlier blog from 1/13 & 1/14 showed Coconut. Well, this is his brother Chestnut. Chestnut is a poodle mix and he believes he is as big as a labrador retriever. Chestnut has no fear and loves to bat at the bigger dogs. Luckily the bigger dogs are very gentle and allow Chestnut to keep the belief he is big while they know he is small. His mom, Renee is doing a fine job raising both boys. Welcome to NC boys - let's continue to have fun!

Scout P. is a quiet little sheltie who loves to have people play bow to him. For those of you new to pack terminology a play bow is when a dog lowers his body over his front legs and thrusts this back side into the air. (I'm using him just because Scout is a him. Females also playbow.) Playbows are part of the wonderful world of dog language and it means - come play with me! Think of a play bow as an invitation. Scout LOVES when people play bow to him - he runs around in circles barking excitedly!
Anyway, we had a wonderful Thursday. I am feeling much better, the pack was wonderful and the cold didn't arrive until late, late afternoon. We were outside for most of the day as these photos attest. The cold weather brings lots of energy and play to YLD so enjoy the photos. I've tried to explain were I felt there was need but if you ever have questions just let me know. Something I take for granted may be new and different to some of the audience. I'm going to put more photos up tomorrow. I just ran out of steam tonight. Take care and stay warm!
Two good kids - seated is Loren and standing is Aaron. Around them are a variety of dogs. Some of the names are: Charley, Maggie, Jackson, Darwin, Holston, Baxter, Bo, Sophie and Bella. This was taken in the late afternoon - everyone is stirring because of the cold weather but were not necessarily playing because they were tired.
This is a shot looking from the rolling garage door down toward the driveway. There you see Chance M., Furley (who has returned from a hiatus while his parents got married), Charlie, Bailey G., Holston (looking at the driveway), and Old Lady Casey B. This was a great group of dogs!
This is a bit fuzzy but in the foreground there is Biscuit (nicely washed and groomed) on the left with Tyson, the boxer puppy on the right. They were having a great time mouthing each other which just means they put their mouths on each other's face and neck. In the background you can see Cooper the shepherd puppy barking at a different playgroup.
I think this is my favorite photo for today! On the left is Sasha T. and on the right is little Sophie the yorkie. What a brave little girl to go nose to nose with Sasha. Sophie is a sweetheart and very playful with the other small dogs. Here she is just saying hello to Sasha. Sasha was very gentle with her while sniffing.
Don't they look funny! Ladybug is facing the camera sitting up on her hind legs hugging Dixie. Ladybug is a sweet golden who has tons of energy. She is just a year old so she has some maturing to accomplish before she settles down. Luckily her mom, Carleen, knows that social interaction wears out the dogs more than anything so Ladybug gets to come and play every couple of weeks. Dixie thoroughly enjoyed playing and getting slimy saliva all over Ladybug.
It may be difficult to see but Bella (beagle on right) is asking Charlie (black cocker) to play while Charlie is trying to get Lexi F. to play. Lexi is leaning against the fence looking over her shoulder at the much larger Charlie. Lexi has boundless energy (which this doesn't show) because I watched her chase Charlie from the bottom to the top right before I snapped this photo.
My earlier blog from 1/13 & 1/14 showed Coconut. Well, this is his brother Chestnut. Chestnut is a poodle mix and he believes he is as big as a labrador retriever. Chestnut has no fear and loves to bat at the bigger dogs. Luckily the bigger dogs are very gentle and allow Chestnut to keep the belief he is big while they know he is small. His mom, Renee is doing a fine job raising both boys. Welcome to NC boys - let's continue to have fun!
Scout P. is a quiet little sheltie who loves to have people play bow to him. For those of you new to pack terminology a play bow is when a dog lowers his body over his front legs and thrusts this back side into the air. (I'm using him just because Scout is a him. Females also playbow.) Playbows are part of the wonderful world of dog language and it means - come play with me! Think of a play bow as an invitation. Scout LOVES when people play bow to him - he runs around in circles barking excitedly!
Photos - 1/13 & 1/14
Hi Everyone! Sorry I was MIA for a few days. I was feeling under the weather and a bit light headed so editing photos and writing the blog were not top priority. I'm glad to say I'm on the healing pathway. Thanks to all those who commiserated with me and offered suggestions for my care. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Here are photos from Tuesday and Wednesday. The packs were wonderful and we had a great time. I really like some of the photos the other staff members have been taking. I think we are all getting the hang of action shots! Be warm, stay warm and take care.
Lauren took this great photo of Chewy, Ella and Tyson. Chewy and Ella (aka Chewella) are siblings who visit each Wednesday and have for several years. There mom just opened a hair salon so if you need a great cut and color I have her business card available. Tyson the boxer is a pup who has been visiting for several months. It turns out his Dad's company moved him to Charlotte but he travels to Raleigh each week so we get to see Tyson. Thanks Wes!

Talk about love at first sight! On the left is Chuck. It appears he is infatuated with Lillie G. who is sitting on the right. Lillie didn't tell Chuck to go away when he invaded her space so she must have been okay with it. They stayed like the photo for several minutes before Chuck got distracted by one of his other friends.

This is Sherlock the cocker spaniel. He's a bit overweight according to the vet so his mom's been bringing him to daycare to help exercise Sherlock. He usually visits on Saturday but, sad to say, there was a death in her family, so Sherlock is visiting every day this week while she's gone. He's been having lots of fun while Mom's away. Go Sherlock!

I think these two fell in love at first sight also! On the left we have a new BIG boy Archie (a mastiff puppy who already weighs 100 pounds) and on the right is Maddie A. She's been featured on the blog previously. I think these two liked the fact they were both brindled in the same fashion. They enjoyed rough housing all day.

Isn't he a cutie pie? This is Skyler, the border collie. Skyler is a handsome young pup of 10 months. He is so big and filled out it's difficult to believe he is not yet a year old! Skyler's been visiting since he was a puppy. He comes once a week to keep his social skills polished and shining bright. His mom feels that is very important for a young pup. Thanks for your dedication Kris!

Here is Lola the German shepherd. Her mom had a baby a couple months ago so Lola loves her time at YLD. Lola visits on Tuesdays and has a grand time. This photo shows her turning to the right to initiate play with another dog not in photograph.

I laughed as I took this photo. In the background is Bailey G. He's watching Teddy 2 Coats and Henri wrestle together. Teddy and Henri spent most of Tuesday doing this. Two little guys trying to be the best. Coming up to sniff is Sassy W.

It's he a handsome boy? This is Neo. He's been a pack member for almost four years. We've always enjoyed his company. He has two brothers - one who visits with him and one who visits separately. Neo is a gentleman and a sweetheart. Thanks for being such a good boy Neo!

This is Cooper. He is new to YLD. In fact , this photo was taken on his third visit! Cooper is a young shepherd mix who loves to play with the labs. He runs and tumbles and basically acts goofy. He's been doing well integrating himself into the pack structure.

Coconut is a wonderful young shih tzu from Texas. He is fairly new to the pack - he's been visiting since June 08. His younger brother, Chestnut, is a shih tzu/poodle mix. He's been visiting since July 08. They are a great pair and we thoroughly enjoy having them in the pack. They like to visit on Tuesday and Thursday when most of the little dogs visit. It's a wonderful sight.

This is Marley. She is the cutest, sweetest, Chihuahua mix ever to visit YLD. We love having her a part of the pack. She is visiting while her mom is away on a business trip. Marley's a blessing to all the staff!
Talk about love at first sight! On the left is Chuck. It appears he is infatuated with Lillie G. who is sitting on the right. Lillie didn't tell Chuck to go away when he invaded her space so she must have been okay with it. They stayed like the photo for several minutes before Chuck got distracted by one of his other friends.
This is Sherlock the cocker spaniel. He's a bit overweight according to the vet so his mom's been bringing him to daycare to help exercise Sherlock. He usually visits on Saturday but, sad to say, there was a death in her family, so Sherlock is visiting every day this week while she's gone. He's been having lots of fun while Mom's away. Go Sherlock!
I think these two fell in love at first sight also! On the left we have a new BIG boy Archie (a mastiff puppy who already weighs 100 pounds) and on the right is Maddie A. She's been featured on the blog previously. I think these two liked the fact they were both brindled in the same fashion. They enjoyed rough housing all day.
Isn't he a cutie pie? This is Skyler, the border collie. Skyler is a handsome young pup of 10 months. He is so big and filled out it's difficult to believe he is not yet a year old! Skyler's been visiting since he was a puppy. He comes once a week to keep his social skills polished and shining bright. His mom feels that is very important for a young pup. Thanks for your dedication Kris!
Here is Lola the German shepherd. Her mom had a baby a couple months ago so Lola loves her time at YLD. Lola visits on Tuesdays and has a grand time. This photo shows her turning to the right to initiate play with another dog not in photograph.
I laughed as I took this photo. In the background is Bailey G. He's watching Teddy 2 Coats and Henri wrestle together. Teddy and Henri spent most of Tuesday doing this. Two little guys trying to be the best. Coming up to sniff is Sassy W.
It's he a handsome boy? This is Neo. He's been a pack member for almost four years. We've always enjoyed his company. He has two brothers - one who visits with him and one who visits separately. Neo is a gentleman and a sweetheart. Thanks for being such a good boy Neo!
This is Cooper. He is new to YLD. In fact , this photo was taken on his third visit! Cooper is a young shepherd mix who loves to play with the labs. He runs and tumbles and basically acts goofy. He's been doing well integrating himself into the pack structure.
Coconut is a wonderful young shih tzu from Texas. He is fairly new to the pack - he's been visiting since June 08. His younger brother, Chestnut, is a shih tzu/poodle mix. He's been visiting since July 08. They are a great pair and we thoroughly enjoy having them in the pack. They like to visit on Tuesday and Thursday when most of the little dogs visit. It's a wonderful sight.
This is Marley. She is the cutest, sweetest, Chihuahua mix ever to visit YLD. We love having her a part of the pack. She is visiting while her mom is away on a business trip. Marley's a blessing to all the staff!
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