Hi! Monday rolls around whether we want it to or not, eh? We had a great weekend here. The pack and I hung out and enjoyed ourselves both inside and outside. I was busy mopping the playroom floor this morning (trying to get it ready for today's group if they needed it) when Jim S. and Kristy walked in and stated together that I was to put the mop down and let them do their jobs! My mom raised me to leave a place neater than when I arrived. I was following through and I must say I've enjoyed looking at the clean floor each time I've passed through there today! A job well done is a mighty accomplishment. I hope the blog will be considered an accomplishment as it progresses.
Today we had a small pack thanks (no doubt) to the holiday and the inauguration tomorrow. A small pack means fewer photo opportunities. I have a couple cute ones today of dogs you haven't seen before. Enjoy and be safe tonight with the possible weather event! (My camera batteries are charged for tomorrow's first prance through the snow!)
Blessings to you all.

These two are fast friends. On the left is Nellie boxer and on the right is Ladybird. Lady (whose going to be nine soon) erupts into running and chasing games like she's two as soon as Nellie comes out the back door. They just love each other to bits!

Here's Mike with his "little" boy Miles. Miles loves to give kisses and he is stretching out his mouth do give me kisses when I took the photo. These two are well suited. Miles has never met a stranger which has helped Mike's female, Hennah, come out of her shell. As siblings they make a great pack!

I spoke earlier about a play bow. Here is a great example of one being done by the Jack Russell Zoe. See how she's all stretched out to the front and has her paws forward. Her head is lowered and her back end is pushed up. Zoe is conducting a play bow to stretch her muscles but we like to see them when dogs invited each other to play. Zoe's brother, Cooper, is also visiting. So below is a photo of the two of them. Cooper decided there was something interesting to smell just when I took the photo so you can't see him as well. Their family went to Florida to visit their grandfather who is turning 70 years young. Happy Birthday


Look at those eyes! Summer V. NEVER likes me to take her photo. I know she's scared of that thing (camera) I often carry around. Here I just called her name and I immediately got these mean, angry eyes. Her thoughts must have been, "Bad Wendy!" I love Summer. In the summer she likes to lick my calves because of the sweat & salty residue. She's been a constant at YLD for several years now. Sorry about the photo Summer - but people want to see the dogs!

These two are Joy and Rae. They go together like the words peanut & butter! Rae (chocolate lab) is the older sister. She goes tracking with her mom on some Saturday mornings. She also likes to jump and swim in the pool. Joy (black lab) is a fairly new addition to the family but has brought just what her name says. Joy! They are very good siblings and very well mannered. Their dad, Joe, looks forward to the chocolate bowl when he gets to pick them up from daycare!

These are not faces you've seen often on the blog; it's Cheyenne (yellow lab) & Dakota (black lab). The sisters visit when their parents go away. The humans are off visiting family which they couldn't do during

the holidays because of a very sick child. Our gain! Cheyenne i

s a sweetheart who enjoys the pack environment and Dakota likes to be next to Cheyenne (where ever that might be). These girls are a very welcome addition to the pack!
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