Good morning! I wanted to get yesterday's photos up so everyone could see. I think they are particularly good this time. We have quite a variety of dogs and good photos so enjoy. I hope you all enjoy the little blurbs I post next to the photos - I figure you'd like to know the setting and situation. That may be the elementary teacher in me showing itself! I have a couple photos of the staff with dogs which I'll post later today. You all have a great Saturday - I look forward to seeing you again next week!
much love to all,

Kristy took this cute photo of Fred (in the blue collar) whispering secrets into Simon's ear. These two had a wonderful time running, chasing and tumbling together. They are well suited and very friendly with each other. Simon visits each Friday but Fred comes on a variety of days so they don't always have a chance to interact together. Thanks Doreen for bringing Fred on Friday so he and Simon could have fun!

Bailey G. is the cutest boy in the world according to his mother. Bailey IS a great little dog. He has been visiting YLD since February 2005. He visits daily because his mom wants to know he is safe while she's at work. Bailey is a cockapoo that ended up at the shelter - go figure - and Kim had the joy of finding Bailey and making a family with him.

We don't usually allow dogs to sit in the chairs because it can cause problems. Any dog that is physically higher is showing they are higher in the pack order but these two were too funny so we didn't interfer. On the left is Nellie boxer and on the right is Lady. The chairs were about 8 feet apart yet the two girls barked loudly at each other because they were protecting their chair from the other dog! Nobody else was bothering them but they kept up the barking until they wore themselves out and had to rest!

Layla the beagle is an active young lady. She visits YLD on Fridays with her brother Lubo. But just before the holidays her mom requested Layla visit on Tuesdays also. It seems she's been chewing clothes and getting into trouble because of the excessive energy. Usually Mom and Dad run in the mornings with her but its been too cold so we get the blessing of having her twice a week! The photo shows her with Miles.

This is Koda. He's a fabulous male golden retriever. One of the oldest at this time. He adores haning out with Jim S. on Fridays.

Here is Lucy S. chewing on Bubba B.'s neck. They do reciprocate this kind of play so after the photo was taken there was Bubba chewing on Lucy. Often parents will comment on the "crustiness" around their canine's neck. This is were the crustiness comes from!

This is Chuck. He is a large terrier of some sort. He is a cute young man and has been visiting for several months now. Chuck usually visits once a week but he'd missed a couple weeks during the holiday so his dad brought him in for an additional day. Chuck is seen here waiting for the gate between the top and the bottom to open. We had completed the morning play session and were putting the dogs down for nap. I can't tell if he looks tired or not but he sure is waiting patiently.

This is Hershey B. He looks so majestic in this photo. Hershey is our miracle dog. He was diagnosed with cancer almost two years ago but he is doing well. His mom, Kathy, takes very good care of him. We always enjoys visiting with Hershey. He really enjoys the smaller dogs and will lay down and let them crawl over him. What a joy he is to our lives here at YLD!

This is Lubo - Layla's brother. He doesn't have as much energy as Layla. Lubo would rather hang out with the boys and listen to the conversations instead of running around. That is not to say he isn't active. Lubo likes to play chase games with a few special dogs. He is just more exclusive with his playmates than Layla. She's still young enough to enjoy all the active dogs!

Jocko J. - what a cutie pie, huh? Jocko is a border collie mix. This year he'll celebrate his tenth birthday! Jocko likes to hang out with the top play group. He isn't as active as he once was but he still gets in lots of socializing. Jocko likes everyone to know he is in the group so he'll bark periodically to draw attention to himself. He is a sweetheart and we're glad to have him as a geriatric member of the pack!

This is Hefner named after Hugh Hefner because he is so good looking! Airedales are not very common but Hefner's mom has raised the breed before so she knows what to do. Hefner's been visiting since he was a puppy so he is an established pack member. He loves to play. I know we had a photo previously showing Hef with Roxy W. This photo was taken at the end of the day so he was okay with sitting and waiting while the photo was taken. Usually he's an action figure!
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