Anyway, we had a wonderful Thursday. I am feeling much better, the pack was wonderful and the cold didn't arrive until late, late afternoon. We were outside for most of the day as these photos attest. The cold weather brings lots of energy and play to YLD so enjoy the photos. I've tried to explain were I felt there was need but if you ever have questions just let me know. Something I take for granted may be new and different to some of the audience. I'm going to put more photos up tomorrow. I just ran out of steam tonight. Take care and stay warm!
Two good kids - seated is Loren and standing is Aaron. Around them are a variety of dogs. Some of the names are: Charley, Maggie, Jackson, Darwin, Holston, Baxter, Bo, Sophie and Bella. This was taken in the late afternoon - everyone is stirring because of the cold weather but were not necessarily playing because they were tired.
This is a shot looking from the rolling garage door down toward the driveway. There you see Chance M., Furley (who has returned from a hiatus while his parents got married), Charlie, Bailey G., Holston (looking at the driveway), and Old Lady Casey B. This was a great group of dogs!
This is a bit fuzzy but in the foreground there is Biscuit (nicely washed and groomed) on the left with Tyson, the boxer puppy on the right. They were having a great time mouthing each other which just means they put their mouths on each other's face and neck. In the background you can see Cooper the shepherd puppy barking at a different playgroup.
I think this is my favorite photo for today! On the left is Sasha T. and on the right is little Sophie the yorkie. What a brave little girl to go nose to nose with Sasha. Sophie is a sweetheart and very playful with the other small dogs. Here she is just saying hello to Sasha. Sasha was very gentle with her while sniffing.
Don't they look funny! Ladybug is facing the camera sitting up on her hind legs hugging Dixie. Ladybug is a sweet golden who has tons of energy. She is just a year old so she has some maturing to accomplish before she settles down. Luckily her mom, Carleen, knows that social interaction wears out the dogs more than anything so Ladybug gets to come and play every couple of weeks. Dixie thoroughly enjoyed playing and getting slimy saliva all over Ladybug.
It may be difficult to see but Bella (beagle on right) is asking Charlie (black cocker) to play while Charlie is trying to get Lexi F. to play. Lexi is leaning against the fence looking over her shoulder at the much larger Charlie. Lexi has boundless energy (which this doesn't show) because I watched her chase Charlie from the bottom to the top right before I snapped this photo.
My earlier blog from 1/13 & 1/14 showed Coconut. Well, this is his brother Chestnut. Chestnut is a poodle mix and he believes he is as big as a labrador retriever. Chestnut has no fear and loves to bat at the bigger dogs. Luckily the bigger dogs are very gentle and allow Chestnut to keep the belief he is big while they know he is small. His mom, Renee is doing a fine job raising both boys. Welcome to NC boys - let's continue to have fun!
Scout P. is a quiet little sheltie who loves to have people play bow to him. For those of you new to pack terminology a play bow is when a dog lowers his body over his front legs and thrusts this back side into the air. (I'm using him just because Scout is a him. Females also playbow.) Playbows are part of the wonderful world of dog language and it means - come play with me! Think of a play bow as an invitation. Scout LOVES when people play bow to him - he runs around in circles barking excitedly!
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