Good morning one and all! First off, thank you from my heart to so many of the YLD clients and friends for the monetary support of Darwin and his surgery. We couldn't conduct this journey without all of you.
Yesterday, Darwin and I visited the Veterinary Specialty Hospital off Capital Boulevard. It is a wonderful facility and we met a great doctor. He reviewed the x-rays from our first venture into discovering reasons for Darwin's limp. The referring vet had mentioned OCD (basically torn cartilage) because there was a fuzzy spot which was determined to be the loose cartilage. On the new x-rays the fuzzy spot now encompasses the whole top third of Darwin's right shoulder. Darwin doesn't have OCD he has very aggressive bone cancer. Very little interrupts bone cancer so I've decided pallative care is the course we'll take. The monies that were collected will support Darwin through the course and all remaining funds will be donated in his memory to a non-profit organization. I'll let you know which one at the time.
Thank you so much for all your love and support. I love and appreciate each and every one of you.
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