Good evening everyone! I hope the weekend went well and you all are ready to face the work week. I know some folks who arrived in town later then expected will want to have the Monday as a holiday. No banks, no mail but most of us will be at the grind stone. I hope you have a great Monday in whatever way possible. The photos are cute today. A nice variety. Take care.

Champ sniffing and digging.

Lucia and Darwin with Sammie, Winston and Tally in the background.

Darwin and Lucia again with Summer and Slider in the background.


Tally and Kobe getting to know each other.

Max T. digging a hole to places unknown.

Darwin and Chance McG., with Baxter and Slider.

Tally and Sammie with a bit of Cammie's head.

Kobe and Lady saying, "Hello!" Kobe loves the larger dogs! He is fearless and very cute!

Winston the weimaraner. Some of the folks who have been with YLD for a long while will remember we raised Winston from a small puppy (I use that term small in a very loose manner). Then his mom (who graduated from vet school) did some further training in Florida so Winston went to live there for a bit over a year. Now the whole family - Winston, Lynn (mom), Merv (dad), and new canine sister Sammie - have come back to Raleigh! Welcome home (both to Raleigh and to YLD)! We're glad to see you!

Summit looking silly with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.


Charlie, Max T., Kobe, Charley and a bit of Baxter.

Chance McG., Lucia, Tally and in the distance - Sammie. She is a newbie. Her brother is Winston who's photo is several above this one.

My sweet dog Baxter showing off his cute, white eyelashes. It looks like he might have gotten into someone's eyeliner to highlight those outrageous lashes!

Champ, Lucia, Summer and Kobe

Charley doing his Mr. Magoo impression. (I may be dating myself with this comment! I can just here it now, "Mr. Magoo, WHO is THAT?")

Koda, Champ, Tally, Tsuki, Charlie, Charley and Darwin

A close up of Charley and Charlie as the watch to see if more tree nuts will bang on top of the dumpster and make horrible noises!

Sweet Tally

Lucia and Chance McG., had the BEST time playing together!

Winston doing his imitation of a turtle on it's back...or a fish flopping out of water...or just being the silly Weimaraner he is. I can't decide, can you?

Mason and Chance McG. - almost look alike goldens!

Lucy and Scout

Benson watching Lucy walk behind Mindy.

Benson running back to me after saying hello to Lucy and Scout. They didn't seem too concerned about him!
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