Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dog Daycare Photos & Video 08/15

Good Saturday to everyone! I hope your day was as pleasant and active as ours. We had a full house today. First off, thanks so much for coming out on a hot day! Lillie, Sherlock, Chance, Kobe and Bentley all came for daycare. Whoo hooo! It was great to see them along with our boarders. I took some more video (getting better each time). Let me know what you think.

Take care and have a peaceful Sunday.

PS. I thought I had a video of the little guys (Kobe, Apollo, Max T., and Sanford playing but, alas, when I looked through the offering on the camera it didn't take. So sorry. I'm still in the learning stages! :(

Sherlock, Cammie & Sanford

Sanford, Kobe, Max T., Apollo with Biscuit

Max T., Apollo, Kobe & Sanford without Biscuit

Max A. and Sergeant

Lillie, Chance, and Bailey

Lillie jumping away from the water bucket because there was a flying insect!

Pool Time - always the best time (for some dogs)!

Darwin, Bailey, Chance, Chance and Maggie

Chance and Maggie

Chance, Maggie and Bailey

Maggie and Chance shaking the water off!

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