Thursday, October 15, 2009

No Camera

Hey folks! The camera will not be on the premises from Thursday PM until Monday AM. Yup, that's right, Wendy is going away for a long, restful weekend. I've been running so quickly that I truly need a break before the holiday season so I'm off to Atlantic Beach. The staff is ready and able to take care of everything until I return.

The camera is going with me so there will not be an update until Monday. The rainy weather has not been conducive to good photos anyway. If you get a chance pick up earlier then usual so you can watch the pack play inside during the rainy times. When you do watch, please, please, please don't lean on the glass (you look threatening) and don't point (you look threatening). Remember - to the dogs you are invading "their" space and you are a stranger (except to your own canine).

Take care everyone. Be safe and rest well. I'll see you bright and early on Monday morning!

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