Monday, May 18, 2009

It's been a while...

Hope everyone is doing well! It's been a while since I've posted here. I thought I'd talk a bit about summer and some things to watch out for.

First of all we need to make sure cool water is always available as temperatures increase, especially if your dog spends time outdoors. Make sure shade is always available too!

Remember to never leave your pup in a car. Dogs with short or snub noses get hot quicker (bulldogs, pugs, CKCS etc.) If it's 85 degrees out, your car can reach 102 in 10 minutes with the windows cracked. The inside temp can climb as much as 40 degrees in an hour with the largest increase in the first 15 minutes. Your dogs natural body temp is 100-102. Some of the signs of heatstroke are panting hard, staggering gait, rapid heartbeat, dazed look, listlessness, restlessness, dark red or purple gums and/or tongue and vomiting. If you suspect a heat-induced illness in your dog, gradually lower his body temperature by moving him to the shade or air conditioning, apply cold packs to his head, neck or belly, or immerse in cool (not cold) water, giving small amounts of cool water or ice cubes to lick — and then take him to the vet immediately.

Check the temperature of concrete or asphalt before walking. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your pup's paws! Try walking earlier or later in the day...burnt paw pads are very uncomfortable!

Sunburn. Yep, your dog can burn too...especially light color, short hair dogs. Use a non-toxic, water-soluble spray sunscreen designed specifically for pets. Protect her nose and belly, which tend to turn bright pink, and other areas where fur is thin.

That's all for now! Play with your dog, train your dog for 3-5 minutes 3 or 4 times daily and never free feed!

A tired dog is a happy dog,

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