Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2 more days!

Hi everyone, I just wanted to take a minute to say Thank You for blessing us by having your dogs come play at YLD! It's a privilege to not only play with your dogs, but to help train, groom and help raise your pups means the world to us. We truly love what we do and it wouldn't be possible without you! I also what to thank those of you that not only ask questions about training or behavior but actually do the work! It makes a huge difference in your dogs life and ours! We are happy to be here for you and your dogs. Thank You!

My Holiday Heads Up Top 10...you knew it was coming...
I thank Dogster for these reminders and more.

1. Turkey Skin – can be fatty and hard to digest, but on Thanksgiving it’s really bad (think of the butter, oils and spices rubbed into it). If you must share the turkey with your dog, peel the skin off and cut the meat up into bite-sized pieces.

2. Cooked bones - bird bones are hollow and brittle. Not good for chewing!

3. Gravy/Buttery Side Dishes - This one goes hand-in-hand with the turkey skin. Fatty foods and trimmings can cause pancreatitis in dogs at worst and diarrhea or vomiting at “best.” ThePoop.com suggests substituting gravy with a little turkey broth if you really want to give your pup a treat.

4.Aluminum Foil and Plastic Wrap – with food left on them, it's an accident waiting to happen.

5. The Garbage Can - With all the good smells, scraps and excitement in your house how could they resist? Move the trash or securely cover it.

6. The Kitchen/Dining room - again, good smells, conversation, HOT plates, running children, candles, candy dishes etc. a crate, spare room, back yard or other quiet place is much better for the dog today. There's just too much excitement!

7. Guests Who Mean Well – Educate your less pet-savvy visitors (and hey, maybe even send them this list). A child may accidentally feed a dog some chocolate and your great aunt might think she’s being nice by sharing her turkey skin.

I know I said 10, but hey, I like to be different.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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