Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thursday Training Class!

Can you believe I'm advertising a Fall training class and it's 100 degrees out!?

I hope you're all staying cool and drinking plenty of water. We've spent most afternoons swimming in the pool and playing indoors. Not a bad time!

I want to quickly thank those of you that paid attention to my request to keep back from the windows during pickup. It does make a huge difference, and we appreciate it. It makes things much easier for the dogs, and the humans :)

My next class...

All Ages Quick Track to Manners.

I'll be teaching you how to motivate your dog to do the things you need, as well as teach you how your dog thinks and learns. All general manners (sit, wait, down, recall, loose leash walking etc) and any problem solving you may need.

1st Class is Thursday Sept 2nd from 7 to 7:45pm.
no dogs the 1st week, just humans.

cost is $90.00

please email me with questions or to sign up!

Have a great afternoon!

a tired dog is a happy dog!

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