Friday, December 9, 2011

YLD Staff Reccommended Reading List!

Hi DogBlog Readers!
I hope everyone is staying warm this morning! We have had the pack outside in the bottom play yard this morning and they are loving it. We were very excited this morning when our beloved pack member Teddy arrived wearing his new snow suit...he looks like a stuffed animal! Thank you to the moms of both Emma G and Cammie Husky for the treats yesterday and today! We are the luckiest staff ever to have such sweet customers:)

Speaking of the YLD staff, I thought it would be fun to post some staff reading recommendations. I think between all of us we have probably read every dog book in existence! If any of you have any dog book recommendations that you would like to share, feel free to email me the name with a paragraph about what you liked about the book. I would love to do a blog post on books suggested by customers! (

Can you guess which staff member chose Cujo as their recommended reading? It was Jim. He says the book is a good reminder on why you should keep your dog on leash and keep it's vaccinations up to date. Thanks, Jim!

Janine chose Victoria Stilwell's "It's Me or the Dog". According to Victoria's website this book "is the ultimate guide to understanding your dog and building a balanced relationship based on trust and respect". Some of the topics that are covered are house training, play time, diet, canine communication and basic obedience.

Staff member Katie was very excited about "The Other End of the Leash" by Patricia B. McConnell, PH.D. The author is an Animal Behaviorist as well as a trainer and in this book she explores human behavior in comparison to dog behavior, and how we can improve our relationships with dogs by training ourselves to "think dog" instead of trying to humanize our pups.
Mike's favorite training book is "The Dog Listener" by Jan Fennell. This is in my opinion the easiest dog training book to read and understand. It explains how to work and use your dog's brain in a positive and efficient way. This is a great starting point for problem solving, new dogs and especially first time dog owners.
My all time favorite dog book is of course a grooming book, and that wouldn't be very interesting to most people, so my second choice is "A Photographic Guide to Canine Body Language". The title is pretty self explanatory, there are tons of photos of dogs in different situations and the author describes what they are saying through expressions and body postures. The YLD staff is lucky enough to get to observe these "conversations" dogs have with each other each day. I think everyone with a dog should have a look at this book!
Thanks for checking out the blog! xoxo, Mindy

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