It seems I have become a photo fiend. I did promise to get photos each day because of so many boarders. I know many of you would like webcams to "see the action" but those scenes are fleeting while these are firmly on film. So the explanations begin...

Abby Labby appears in a blog a few days ago so check there for the background information. Anyway, here Abby appears to be about to talk to someone. I know she is standing on the play equipment and there were several other dogs around but I kind of wonder what she might say. "Hey, how ya doing?" or "Let's go grab some water together." or maybe something serious like, "I miss my parents, how about you?" Actually, Abby has been very happy with her stay. Dogs don't count days like humans; they live in the moment. So her moments are at YLD right now and when Mom and Dad get back she'll be glad to have her moments with them. Works well for each of us!

Lexie doodle appeared in yesterday's photos. Why do I take photos of her you ask. Well, she has the most amazing capability to get dirty. I've never seen anything like her affinity for dirt. Plus Lexie is very photogenic and a great player. All good reasons to take pictures. To showcase her filth affinity see below! I love this photo because it looks like split personality. On the left is Bailey G. - very, very clean - while on the right is Lexie - very, very, very dirty! Luckily Lexie is scheduled for a full spa treatment before she heads home on Wednesday!

Group photo... moving from left to right. Bently (golden mix), Sammy M. (looks like an irish wolfhound but is actually a chocolate labradoodle), Hennah (blue heeler) in the far back, Charlie (a new cocker spaniel) smack in the middle and Piper and Kacey (two goldens) on the right. We had just gotten up from nap so everyone is looking for the perfect spot to potty. As you can see the dogs are being very respectful of each other's space and need for privacy. That's one of the qualities we look for when introducing new dogs into our base pack.

Group photo...Sawyer is looking at the action taking place in the top play area. As are Jackson H. and Lila A. Jackson is the black lab and Lila is the yellow lab. The latticed fencing on the right of the photo is at the end of the walk way on the top. The walk way leads from the inside areas to the bottom play area. The black ex-pen (shortened from exercise) is on the left of the photo. The ex-pen attaches to the lattice fencing to provide a longer barrier than just a gate. We do this because too many dogs in too small a space is a recipe for someone getting upset, or getting their toes stepped on, or bumping into someone. As you can see in the photo the ex-pen is not extended. That is because there was only one play group the day this photo was taken. I was supervising the bottom play area while Mike and Jim were up top.

Bella B. is a young beagle mix who comes to daycare weekly. She visited over the holiday and this is a photo of her last evening just moments before her parents came to pick her up. Doesn't she look pooped! As Mike our trainer likes to say, "A tired dog is a happy dog." I also like to say that tiring dogs out is what YLD does best! Most clients claim their dog takes a nap as soon as the vehicle leaves the parking lot.

Summer V. What can I say about Summer? She is a sweetheart of a yellow lab who likes to lick my calves (or any other exposed skin) during the summer months. Summer has been with YLD since almost the beginning of our business. She used to visit daily when Mom and Dad were at work but now Summer only comes once a week. The economy has not been kind to Summer's parents. If anyone is looking for a great employee with accounting experience I'd recommend Summer's Mom and Dad!

Doodles, doodles everywhere! Here are Phoebe and Bo (sister & brother) who vacationed with us while the family visited NYC. These two also have a love a dirt as seen in the photo. Lucky for them they had a spa treatment before going home today. Phoebe and Bo love to wrestle, run and chase each other and other dogs. I love this photo because it looks like the doodles are telling secrets to each other! They are a great pair of doodles. The staff affectionately call them the "double doodles!"

A new Baxter appears above. He has only been a pack member for about three months. His mom is pregnant and likes Baxter to get out and release some of his energy. He is a rough and tumble player and a very big boy. He has a brother, Slider, who is almost as large but who has a torn ACL. Slider will appear in tomorrow's blog because he was on bedrest while I conducted my photo session. At Slider's parent's request he gets extra rest to pamper that ACL!

Here's our little buddy Sanford. Last year Sanford spent a lot of time with us while his dad was studying for an advanced degree. Luckily for both of them, his dad met a great young lady and Sanford now has a mom! Mom and Dad left Sanford in our care so they could take a honeymoon and visit family over the holiday. He's a great little dog and we alway love his visits!

Boomer J. is a shepherd mix. He is very large and loving. Here he is peering at Emma. I kind of wonder if he thinks she may give him a treat if he smiles for the camera! He would make a great wolf in Little Red Riding Hood because of those big white teeth. Thank goodness he only uses them to eat breakfast and dinner!
Well enough about the dogs. May you all have a restful evening. I'm going to grab a bite of dinner and then head to my bedroom. Hope to see you soon.
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