Lauren walks across the lower play yard with a bunch of dogs. There is Maddie A in front with Winston P, Mickey H, Darwin and Cheyenne behind Lauren. Bentley's head is just inside the right of the photo. Mitzie is also along the left edge - she's a small black mix breed. Below is a photo of Mitzie about to bark. She looks like a puppy but she is actually full grown.

This photo was taken looking down from the top play area. There is Abby Labby, the large black lab, looking at me with Bailey G. looking up also. In the background there is Mitzie - barking again - and Lady and Sawyer are trotting over to see what's going on.

In the foreground is Ginger and Khumba. This was taken on the top. They both are a bit older and not as spry. They both tend to have large spurts of energy then rest for a bit before gearing up to play again. If you are wondering what the fencing is on the right...Jon was watching the pack but everyone kept try to climb and jump on him so he surrounded himself with an ex-pen (short of exercise pen). He just did it for a minute and I got a partial photo evidence......(Jon can be kooky sometimes!)

Here are a variety of dogs - Charlie the cocker, Milly the shepherd mix, Bentley, Bailey, and two others that I can't name because I can't see very well. The photo was taken early morning. Everyone is looking for a place to pee or poop and investing where everyone else did their deeds. The slanted shadows are from the trees on the other property.
Well, Merry Christmas eve. I think it will be an early evening for me 'cause I need to get up with the dawn. If any of you have Santa's ear could you please ask him to be quiet as he flys over YLD so as not to wake the dogs tonight? Thanks.
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