The photo above shows Mickey H.'s head! (hee, hee) Then the main event is the threesome in the back. Maddie A is on the left with her paw raised. Facing away from the camera is Sawyer and the blond is Bentley. A moment after this photo was taken the three burst into a chase game and ended up on the other side of the play yard.

The sweet looking golden above is Jersey. We like to call her Jersey Girl. She is not as active as some of the goldens and prefers to hang out with the top, less active group. Her major preference is just to sit at an employee's feet and get an occasional pat and rub.

This handsome young man is Rex. He is a collie. He's been here for several days so instead of running around this morning, Rex decided to be quiet and rest while the pack played around him.

Here we see Bentley again (he's a very active player) with Milly, Lexie doodle and Boomer.

Here is Charlie and Lexie doodle. Charlie is a cocker spaniel who is fairly new to the pack. He's just a bit smaller than Lexie doodle.

Here's Daisy G. A sweet old sheltie who loves to wander around barking at the other dogs. She enjoys the activity and interactions between the dogs. I must admit we also tend to spoil her with pats and rubs.
I'll take some more photos later. I hope all your holiday happenings are going well.
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