Sorry I haven't posted photos is a couple of days. Some of the staff came down with flu/colds so we've been short staffed which means I work more hours with the pack and cleaning instead of on the fun stuff. Here are a few I was able to process.
Here's Abby Labby. She's an old hat at visiting YLD. Last summer she spent most of her time here while her parents decided whether to move to CA or NY city after they receive their degrees. They liked opposite coasts so they visited Chicago and decided to move there after school. This time Abby Labby is visiting 'cause they went to Africa! As you can see, Abby may not be seeing the wild animals but she enjoys viewing life from the arm chair!

Aaron walking into the upper playgroup. There is Tyson, the boxer; Rex, the collie; Rae, the chocolate lab; and a variety of other dogs. This was taken right after nap so everyone rushes outside to drink from the extremely cold water even though they had water in their crates.

Roxy W. and Hefner pause in their play on the upper level play yard. Hefner is a handsome Airedale while Roxy is a sweet yellow lab mix. Both visit YLD regularly. Hefner is quite the ladies man!

Here's Rex (white collie) inviting Dakota to play while Callie, the boxer; Mo, the boston; and Dexter, the schnauzer; look on. You can see the play equipment in the background. We moved it from inside to outside so it would get more use.
Well, that's all from the wild place. I'll get some more photos this afternoon.
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