This is Casey B after a morning and afternoon of play. She is a 12 year old lab mix who visits each week because she still has so much energy. Casey likes to stand in front of her mom and dad and bark to notify them it is time for a daycare visit. We love old lady Casey!
Zoey, the little grey schnauzer, is asking Sherman, the bichonpoo, if he'd like to play. We can also see the rear half of Zoey's brother - Dexter. This was taken in the late afternoon is everyone has lower energy levels by that time. They did chose to turn and run around after this photo was snapped. We thoroughly love these little guys!
Since we're talking about loving dogs here are some of our favorite antics with specific dogs.
Jim S. holding Sanford our favorite dacshund and "playing" Sanford as a violin. Sanford goes stiff when you pick him up and will just lie against whomever is holding him. Sanford gives Jim kisses before being put back on the ground.
Finally we have Lauren holding Sanford. He visits YLD very often and he really enjoys being held. We care for him and all the other like they are our own.
Well, have a wonderful wet day.
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