Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good Morning

I just wanted to thank Dr. Lapham and his assistant Fernando for visiting our facility this past Sunday. Wendy and Cari and I really enjoyed the First Aid and CPR class. If you ever get a chance to sit in on one of his lectures you will definitely learn a lot and be entertained. It was a great time, and I look forward to his nutrition class.

It's still hot out there. (imagine that) I posted up a reminder a few weeks ago about keeping your dog cool, not leaving them in the car, having plenty of water etc. If you missed it, dig back through the blog and check it out. We really need to look after our pups this time of year. The heat can really do lots of damage quickly.

A few things to look out for:
-Bright red gums
-ineffective panting (rapid, frantic, noisy)
-confusion or inattention

If your dog is showing these or other symptoms, quickly get your dog into the air conditioning and give her ice cubes, water, wet the dog with cool water and check her temperature. Normal body temp is up to 102.5. If your dog's temp is above this and cooling the dog down doesn't help, call your vet for further assistance.

Hope you have a great day and come to visit our open house this Saturday.

A tired dog is a happy dog,


Unknown said...

Is it just the photo or does Gus look a whole lot like our own Roxy R?

How old is he?

Will he be around when we come by on Saturday?

Wendy said...

Gus does look a bit like Roxy without the long fur. He will be around on Saturday when you visit for the open house. He is up for adoption if you know anyone who'd like a sweet older dog.
See you Saturday!