Friday, March 6, 2009

Weather change!

Hey Guys,
We are all excited for this weekend's beautiful weather. Just a quick reminder...if you do hiking or lots of outdoor exercise our pups will need more water, shade and rest. Most of them still have their summer coats and it's a bit warm! Also don't forget with higher temps it's not a good idea to leave them in the car.

Now that we will be outside more it's the perfect time to work on loose leash walking, recall and more. Just make sure to set your dog up for success. Practice in a quiet area on a long line and build from there. Don't just go for broke and let your pup off leash especially in a new area. The spring fever might get the best of him and he just might make a dash for it! With that in mind it's also a good time to take some recent pics of your dog and make up a lost dog flier to keep on your computer. If the worst were to happen you'd be prepared to just print the flier and hang it up in your neighborhood. A new name tag with current info and microchip isn't a bad idea either. Remember to register your microchip and update them if you have moved!

Be safe, have fun and work your dog!

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