Monday, October 10, 2011

Behind the Scenes at YLD!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great start to the week...we did! We have had more electricians in the building today working on our security system. It is moving along nicely.

Last night while sitting outside with the boarding dogs I looked through the almost three years worth of photos I have stored on my blackberry. I can't believe how fast time has gone by! If someone would have told me that I was going to have my very own grooming room in this building three years ago I would have thought they were crazy:)

I thought you guys might enjoy some of the behind the scenes pictures from my time here so far at yld, and I know Mike and Jim have some good ones on their blackberries too!


Einstein's first haircut! This is his Before.
Tah dah!
Lexie Dooooodle! I love her!
Mike with my Carly and Bubbsy-bubbs
Lucy Topknot
The same Phoebe, different haircut!
Kobe's first YLD trim...he is the cutest little peanut.
This was one of my favorite YLD days ever. Nothing really interesting happened, I just remember having lots of fun with the guys that day, and lots of happy dogs. I took this picture because I wanted to remember how peaceful it was sitting outside with Peyton. All of the other staff members were inside finishing things up for the day and the were just a couple dogs left out there with me. It was eerily quiet even during rush hour on Glenwood and Peyton had his eyes closed and was sniffing the air, probably smelling yummy things from the Angus barn.
Two of my favorite YLD boys: Aaron and Miles
Casey's special Christmas pass
Mike should have known better than to A) hire his sister and B) let her take pictures in the pack:) This is him with not one, not two, but THREE shih tzu's on his lap. Lucy Topknot is the one aggressively licking his face.

You Lucky Christmas
All of the herding dogs: Sawyer, Summit, Hennah and Daisy Doo waiting for the hose to come out.
Otis! Just one of many pictures I have of him! He was always posing!

The whole pack during a rest period...I wish everyone could experience how peaceful it can be sitting in a pack of dogs. It is seriously the best thing ever!
Peyton again;)
Tsuki Boxer

Tucker with a punk rocker haircut!

Thanks for looking! xoxo, Mindy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mindy, Those were great pictures. Lola loves coming there thanks to all of you guys! Jen